Friday 29 July 2016

What happens after death??

it is 1 am in the morning when I'm wrong this (7pm when it posts)  and I cannot get to sleep at all like my mind won't switch off no matter how much I'm willing it to. It seems to be switching more on if I'm honest like I've came up with so many good analogies So far and now I have came up with my theory on life after death which I thought I would share with y'all.  

Okay so,  I've been thinking and I think super clever and super talented people are proof that when we die our souls go into new babies because like our old life experience gets channeled through our reborn souls to them and then they get reborn into someone else eg. Picasso and it looks like they're really talented when actually it's been years and years of experience before he was alive. And like when people are well clumsy and dipsy it's because they have a new soul that isn't very used to to the world so doesn't really know what it's doing  

That's my new view on the matter anyway, I didn't really have one beofre I just thought when we died we'd just stay chilling in our graves, same old same old but this makes quite the but if sense to me I feel it could be my new mantra. 

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