Wednesday 27 July 2016


I said I'd explain my name change so here it is.
Basically a few months ago I was going out with this guy but after like 2 months we broke up (yeh I know, good one Beth that lasted a long time) so I thought hey it would be nice to be able to stay friends and what not so I offered an olive branch of friendship to him and because the tree was pretty chunky I offered olive branches to all of his friends too.

This seemed to lead to a multiple of issues and problems because eveyone rejected my branches except for one of his friends who I got along with really well anyway. So anyway, this lead to a really mean exchange in which my ex, let's just call him Luke, decided to call me a multitude of names and crude adjectives, one of which was an 'iron board bitch'

Instead of taking this to heart, I decided to absorb said name and make it become a part of who I am, as I guess it is a part of who I am so what I'm trying to say is don't take all the insults to heart and what not because to be honest, most of them will be true in some form so just absorb and accept instead of taking offence and making yourslef feel worse

So there we go, but of advice there from your local ironboardbitch

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