Tuesday 12 July 2016

TMI Tag Take 2

Basically, because I can't really be bothered thinking of new ideas atm, I'm just going to recycle the old ones and do all the tags and shiz I did a while back but the new and 17 year old me version.

1: What are you wearing? A sum 41 top with no pants (it's late in the pm you gotta stay comfy) 
2: Ever been in love? I'd say I've been in what I would call love but idk if others would class it as that
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Lol yeh, more on this later

4: How tall are you?I would say 5"3 maybe 5"4 at a push

5: How much do you weigh? Exactly 8 stone, I put on half a stone in 5 days this week lol

6: Any tattoos? Nope, don't want one wither to be honest

7: Any piercings? Yah my ears 

9: Favorite show? I'm really feeling Breaking Bad at the minute and OITNB

10: Favorite bands? I like a variety but I really like Fictonian and plus one of my friends's band Ayla, they're a good bop. I'll link y'all when they get it all posted proper

11: Something you miss? Falling alseep on the sofa and waking up in your bed :( 

12: Favorite song? The Hat 

13: How old are you?17

14: Zodiac sign? Gemini

15: Quality you look for in a partner? Got to enjoy adventuring and have good banter

16: Favorite Quote? BETH WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HAVE A PHOTO OF KNOWN MASS SHOOTER JAMES HOLMES - It's a timless classic. Also, I didnt know who he is so not very well known. 

17: Favorite actor? Adam Sandler innit

18: Favorite color?Blue/Green depending on the lighting

19: Loud music or soft? Both depending on my mood - I like to dance to loud

20: Where do you go when you’re sad? My room but tbh there I go there all the time there's no change for the emotional occasion

21: How long does it take you to shower? I'd say I average around 30 minutes

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 20 minutes if I can be bothered

23: Ever been in a physical fight? Play fight ones yeh but not a full on brawl or smackdown

24: Turn on? Good smelling food or when people have a naturally nice scent

25: Turn off? When people chew liek tcha tcha tcha 

26: The reason I joined Youtube? I didn't whoops

27: Fears? That you can fall out of love with someone the same reason you fell in love (if they weren't lying about said love that is)

28: Last time you cried? I am an emotional soul so it was like yesterday

29: Last time you said you loved someone? Few months ago probs

30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name? It's a blog but it's the best name generated on the name generator

31: Last book you read? What remains by Tim Weaver, honestly 10/10

32: The blog you're currently following? I don't think I am anymore

33: Last show you watched? Monk

34: Last person you talked to? Scotteh_Reid

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Fam idk what we are

36: Favorite food? Italian

37: Place you want to visit? Korea and Italy, especially this thing called The Hase near Turin, google it you wont be disappointed

38: Last place you were? Volunteering at Primary School

39: Do you have a crush? Fam whoever says the don't have crush are lying, everyone has a crush

40: Last time you kissed someone? The other day ahahah, old me wouldn't be too happy *cue drunken mess*

41: Last time you were insulted? Lit the hateful banter my friend group has going on means I get insults on the daily

42: Favorite flavor of sweet? Wine Gummies, I'm not talking about the Maynards ones I'm on about them Swizzle stick ones - 10/10

43: What instruments do you play? Keyboard (ish) and I used to play the flute

44: Favorite jewelry? I have this necklace with a little space ship on it and it's my new love

45: Last sport you played? Dance (can't play it but hey ho)

46: Last song you sang? Hopelessly Devoted (from Grease - it's such a bop)

47: Favorite chat up line? Are you an egg? I think you're cracking

48: Have you ever used it? Yeh fam I made cirny valentimws for all my friends so used it then #noshame

49: Last time you hung out with anyone? If I timed this right I am still currently haniging out with someone right this instance.

50: Who should answer these questions next? Anyone who fancies it

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