Monday, 25 July 2016

Primary School Blues

So because I know now that I have (most probably) failed my AS levels or only just scraped a pass, I am trying to make this summer as full as possible with things that will make me look good and enhance my CV so I decided to volunteer at a primary school.

Now, I'm not going to lie, when I first started I thought it was going to be all easy and simple like I was put in year2 so they're only young so in my eyes, weren't up to doing much work but at the same time weren't up to being rebellious but boy was I wrong.

Literally on my first day this boy decided to introduce himself via the 'bogey game' in which you pick your nose and wipe the bogeys you've dug out the cave into someone and see how long it takes them to realise. I'm sorry to say it took me a long time to notice and it was from then onwards I realsied things weren't going to be as easy as they seemed.

Reading, which y'all know I love doing, was such a chore it was painful. This wasn't the case for everyone but the ones who it did include made my day go about ten times slower. For example, I was trying (emphasis on trying) to read with this one girl and she'd just go about gruessing what word came next based on what letter the word started with. At one point she needed to read the word 'tree' a simple and groovy word that is no hassle at all but oh no, does she try to read it properly and sound it out? Nope. She goes and guesses the words 'there' , 'that' , 'they' and 'then' because they also start with a t before she then decided to read properly how she had been taught. This however wasn't a one off, this was on like every word.

One of the things I think I'll  miss the most however is their lack of common sense and their low levels of humour because honestly, I don't think I've seen anything like it. One of the boys was telling me how he went to his friends house and that his friend is really rich and one of the girls sitting by piped up asking if it was because his mum won the jackpot at bingo. Now, I don't know if this was a had to be there moment but it was just so funny because she didn't think that the mum could have a good job or anything like that, just she won the bingo.
 Another thing was when the teacher asked the year 2s if they knew what the word 'pure' meant and one of them started declaring it was horse poo because he got mixed up phonetically with the word 'manure' which tbh is a real contrast with the word pure

To be honest, I've actually really enjoyed myself and will be sad to leave them when they break up summer but I don't know if it's enhanced my idea of becoming a teacher or not. I don't know if I could cope with that chaos full time

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