Thursday 14 July 2016

Half a stone later

So last Tuesday (literally two days ago) in my TMI tag I referred to how I put on half a stone in 5 days so I thought that I would bless you all with the story of how all that weight came to me.

It all started because I was doing a Summer Residential School at Lancaster University because as you all know, I am 17 so have finished my first year at college which means that it is now time to start looking at unis I want to attend when my final year at Newman is over and what better way to do this than go and stay over at the unis and have a taste of the course you're looking to study?

Anyhow, they offered a cook breakfast like every morning and then they had loads of other breakfast foods like cold meats, cereal, fruit and pastry so I was like literally buzzing - usually I don't eat breakfast but I changed my ideals for this special occasion. So, as you do I made the most of it all so every morning I had cooked breakfast (2 sausage, 2 bacon, 2 hash browns, beans, tomato, a fried egg and a piece of toast) and at least two pieces of fruit - usually an apple an banana. There was however one day where I didn't really like the tea so hadn't ate much the night before so was still hungry in the morning from that so got myself a bowl of cereal too. This obviously had quite the effect on my weight.

After breakfast we went to lessons and workshops so I went to sociology themed ones and as we were looking at sociology of the future we were looking into Brexit and how the different outcomes that may happen would sociologically effect our futures. I'm not going to lie, this all got very heated and at multiple points this one girl left the classroom or library in an angry manner slamming the doors as she left (she also shared some very vulgar and rude words as she left). As you can tell, that was all very traumatic and the only thing that helps sooth a trauma is a good old snack so I usually had a breakfast bar or more fruit after the first lesson and midway through the second.

Then of course there was dinner because all that hard work we had been doing really worked up an appetite and let me tell you something, the dinners there are honestly 10/10 and there was always a cake of some sort for afters.
I'm not really going to go on much more bore you with more details because I'm quite cautious that this is becoming a real long post but after dinner came more lessons or activities and so more snacks and after  that came tea which then lead to more cake. We did activities after tea but non eo fthem really helped burn off the days worth of eating like the most exercise I did over those 5 days was like an hour of tennis and even after that I had a snack so go figure.

There you have it then folks, how I put on half a stone in 5 days

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