Okay, so this has to be the most boring blog I have ever done in my lifetime but I am trying to keep to set dates from now on wards and today is a day I am meant to post.So today's post is my revision haul - basically things I got because I needed them to help me revise which is really my excuse for new pens and random stationary items that I don't need!
I have never done a haul in my life so this is probably really bad but hey ho!

- Maths Set - JTF- 89p
I don't really need another one of these seeing as my mum bulk bought several of these when they were on offer so I have about two more of these sets that are unopened but I got one anyway because the others don't have a blue lid like this one does. - Correction Set - JTF - 89p
Again, I don't really need it or will I have much use of it seeing as I am using colored card so it would like weird with a random white splodge in the middle of it. I might take it to school though, I always find I need it but no one has it anymore... - Little Desk Drawers - B&M's - Uknown (mum got them me as a surprise)
No joke, these are the best things I have ever got in my life! They fit my revision cards in them so they can be put somewhere where I don't lose them and also helps me separate my cards into topics such as Science, English and History. However, they are slightly flimsy. - Fruit Scented Gel Pens - JTF - 89p
Although I do enjoy a good gel pen, these are probably my worst investment out of the whole of my purchases for revision things. This is because although they claim to be 'fruit scented smelling' they smell mainly of rubber and to actually be able to smell the fruit smell you have to put your nose so close to the pen you're guaranteed to get pen on your nose.(They were organised into rainbow order but the cat knocked them. - UniPad Project Book - B&M's - Uknown (mum bought them as a surprise)
I absolutely love these pads because they make me feel so American - it sounds stupid, I know but on all the films they always seem to have this kind of notepad in lessons and strolling down the corridors. These pads are also really good for being organised because you can use each section for a different topic. - 100 Revision Notes - WHSmith - £3.26 (Rip off much)
These were the most expensive things I have as regards to revision but they're probably one of the most important (other than pens or something to write with) things when it comes to revision as they are a great way to note and learn information in an unboring way. As you can see, mine are colored coded which is because like you have probably worked out, I am OCD with my revision and like everything to be colored and organised. - Mini-Stapler - JTF - 89p
This is also an unnecessary buy of mine but I didn't think my pencil case would be complete if I didn't have a mini stapler with even minier (new word alert) in it! It will come in quite handy however, with putting each sub-topic together as I could staple them to create a mini booklet out of my revision cards. - 10 Ball Point Pens - PoundLand - £1 (Coincidence much?)
I decided to invest my (mum's) money into buying some new pens as my old ones were running out and were also biros. I don't really enjoy writing in biro and much prefer the style of these pens that I have now and also, I now have a choice of black and blue meaning that if I was doing a comparison, I could use one color for one thing and the other color for the other thing :) - Clear Pencil Case - JTF - 49p (Plot Twist)
This was more of a needed item than a wanted item because I need a clear pencil case for when it does come to the exam fortnight so I decided to get one seeing as they were on the same aisle as all the other things I got from JTF. I did enjoy choosing the color though - I got blue as that matches 5 of my pens and my maths set.
So yeah...
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