Long time no see! I feel like I have been the most negligent blog poster in the whole entire world, it's been nearly two whole weeks since I last posted TWO WHOLE WEEKS! I bet some of you thought I was dead - but no fret, Jesus has risen (ahaa sneaky joke).
Anyways, the topic for my post today is the reason why I have abandoned you for so long and that is... REVISION - who doesn't love it?
I'm not going to lie, I do like the idea of revision at first because I get to get new pens and felt tips as well as colored card for revision notes and to be quite honest, I feel like a princess with my new gel pens because they glitter.
After that initial excitement however,I get bored really easily and end up wanting to poke my eye out with cocktail sticks. Fact after fact after fact that has to be noted down so you don't forget what you're talking about and it gets so repetitive that it reminds me of when I used to write Christmas cards for the entire year and teaching staff in Primary School (which also took me forever to do).
I need to make a timetable next so I can vary my revision - I'm meant to be doing that now but decided to procrastinate and post some more so yeah...
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