Monday, 23 June 2014

Giving in to the latest craze

Cześć!(hello in polish)
Today I shall talk about the newest and latest craze... Loom bands.
Now, I don't know if it's just England that has had this craze recently but more or less everywhere you go there are loom bands for sale as well as that little machine thing you're meant to do it on. I for one never usually succumb to the latest crazes and trends but as much as I tired to avoid this one, it slowly crept up on me until I found myself making them too.
I'm not going to lie, I can't really make them to save my life and by the end of making the bracelet, I feel like I have no fingers - But hey ho!
So here are two of the many bands that I have made modelled on my abnormally pale arms

So yeah...
The end

Comment pictures of your loom band creations below x


  1. I'm not sure how to comment a picture but I have succumbed to this trend too!!! I really like yours, especially the rainbow one!!!
