Monday, 16 June 2014

It's Daddy's Day! (Well Yesterday...)

привіт! (hello in Ukrainian)
Happy Yesterday Father's Day!
As you may or may not know, yesterday was Fathers's day (and also the start of my mocks - eeek) so in order to celebrate this glorious occasion, I am going to post one of my dad's favorite things. Jokes. So this blog is a list of the top ten bad dad jokes I've ever heard...

10. Why do bears have hairy coats?
- Fur protection
*sighs deeply*

9. I spelt Armageddon wrong - but it isn't the end of the world

8. Someone called my clothes gay so I said,"Yeah they came out of the closet this morning"

7. My wife is on a tropical food diet, the house is full of the stuff.

-It's enough to make a mango crazy.

6. Whiteboards are remarkable.

5. What do you call an Alligator wearing a vest?
-An investigator. 4. A random email address keeps sending me loads of pictures advertising tinned meat.
-I hate spam.

3. Just bought some barbecue flavored crisps,
-They taste like bricks and wire mesh.

2. I was in Tesco’s and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said,
-"Are you two an item?”

1. What do you call a pile of cats? -A Meowtain

Soo yeah... THE END

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