Happy Yesterday Father's Day!
As you may or may not know, yesterday was Fathers's day (and also the start of my mocks - eeek) so in order to celebrate this glorious occasion, I am going to post one of my dad's favorite things. Jokes. So this blog is a list of the top ten bad dad jokes I've ever heard...
10. Why do bears have hairy coats?
- Fur protection
*sighs deeply*
9. I spelt Armageddon wrong - but it isn't the end of the world
8. Someone called my clothes gay so I said,"Yeah they came out of the closet this morning"
7. My wife is on a tropical food diet, the house is full of the stuff.
-It's enough to make a mango crazy.
6. Whiteboards are remarkable.
5. What do you call an Alligator wearing a vest?
-An investigator.
4. A random email address keeps sending me loads of pictures advertising tinned meat.-I hate spam.
3. Just bought some barbecue flavored crisps,
-They taste like bricks and wire mesh.
2. I was in Tesco’s and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said,
-"Are you two an item?”
1. What do you call a pile of cats?
-A Meowtain
Soo yeah...
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