Ola!(Hello in Aragonese)
Today's post topic is about The Fault in Our Stars which I went to watch on Wednesday... and I've got to say, I didn't cry.
So before you ask, I have read the book and I read it loooooong before the whole Fault in Our Stars craze came out and it really annoys me how everyone is now raving about the film, quoting things said in the film but have they read the book? Noooooooooooooo!
Before you think that I am heartless altogether, I nearly ended up dehydrating myself via all the water loss from crying so much when I read the book but the truth is, books are nearly always better than the films and I think this is the reason for the lack of tears . However, I cried when Dobby died in Harry Potter so I do in fact have a soul and ability to perform the salty water from the eyes that tastes weird.
So yeah...
Friday, 27 June 2014
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
When the claws come out... Watch your feet
Goeie dag!(hello in Afrikaans)
Today is a very exciting day as today was an exam free day... THEY'RE FINALLY OVER!
*cue the marching band and party poppers*
*cue the marching band and party poppers*
So I thought to celebrate the end of exams, I would do a fun and easy post as opposed to the boring and stressful week that I have had so this post is something that mainly cat owners will relate to but others may do too.
Cat Quirks
- They act like they want to play but when you get the toys out they can't be bothered
Does nobody else experience this because I sure do! Margo (my cat) can sit there and yowl at hours on end, demanding to be played with and whether it's midnight or not, she quite simply does not care. When it actually comes to play with her however, she stands there and watches me quite simply not amused but low and behold, when I put the toy away she starts off all over again - Typical! - They seem to have empty bowl syndrome
An empty bowl, not really your worst nightmare is it? You've probably just ate from it and that's why it's empty but to a cat - it's their greatest nightmare! No joke, the cat literally stands by her empty bowl even if she has just eaten and demands that it has to be refilled even though once it has been topped up with her delightful smelling food (not), she just walks away - They fall asleep in the most awkward of places
So there I am, being the studious girl I am and trying to revise when none over but the world's biggest distraction comes up to me and decides to sit no where other than the laptop keys, making happy and content noises as she settles down. The problem with this however is that I don't want to wake her as otherwise she goes into loony mode and starts showing they symptoms of cat quirk one but at the same time, I really do need to use the laptop and also don't appreciate the endless amounts of cdhnujdwgeucabjs\bksxsujax2iw9q she has made by rolling around on the keyboard, trying to get comfortable. - They see your feet as a perfect practice for catching birdies
So this cat quirk was the main inspiration for the blog title as I often find that if the cat gets her claws out, it's often on my feet when I am nice and cozy warm. Picture it, you're led in bed, finally falling asleep after what feels like hours of willing your eyes shut and you suddenly feel a piercing feeling in the bottom of your foot which feels kind of like a fork stabbing you constantly with an occasional interval where you can feel your toe being nibbled at. The worst thing about this however is if you try to sloooooooowly retract your feet back under the covers, she suddenly dives under too thinking that she's missing out on a potential feed that she can then 'lovingly' return home with.
So yeah...
Monday, 23 June 2014
Giving in to the latest craze
Cześć!(hello in polish)
Today I shall talk about the newest and latest craze... Loom bands.
Now, I don't know if it's just England that has had this craze recently but more or less everywhere you go there are loom bands for sale as well as that little machine thing you're meant to do it on. I for one never usually succumb to the latest crazes and trends but as much as I tired to avoid this one, it slowly crept up on me until I found myself making them too.
I'm not going to lie, I can't really make them to save my life and by the end of making the bracelet, I feel like I have no fingers - But hey ho!
So yeah...
The end
Comment pictures of your loom band creations below x
Friday, 20 June 2014
Drunkern Mess Part 2 - You never know what's in the bushes
Today's post is continuing from the last one (see Drunken Mess) and is about the consequences that you can face once you've had a few drinks too many and I am going to show you what could happen using an example that happened only recently to a 'friend of mine'. They won't know this is aimed at them and anyone else that knows what happened will either because they think they are too 'cool' to read a blog - they wouldn't know cool if it flirted with them and led them into the bushes (you'll understand my joke once you've read what happened).
So after drinking all of the day, they decided to go to Avenham Park because that's where everyone goes to drink at 3am in the morning (or so it seems) because low and behold, when they got there, there were already people - drunk - on the park and among those people were girls (SHOCK HORROR). So being the testosterone filled boys that they are, they decided to approach these rare and strange creatures and flirt with them in a drunkenly and pathetic manner. To be honest, the girls there must have been pretty bad too because next thing you know, one of the girls is getting led into the bushes by one of my friends. Long story short, he lost something that night that he won't ever get back - and it's not a £10 note...
Sooooo I just thought that I should tell you this story to show one of the many consequences of drinking as I know very well that my regretted it the next day in school as he is only my age because although it made him seem cool at the time and the day after, the reality and teasing soon catches up with that.
So next time you decide to take a leisurely stroll around Avenham at 3am, make sure you check the bushes as you never know what's lurking there...
So Yeah...
The End
Today's post is continuing from the last one (see Drunken Mess) and is about the consequences that you can face once you've had a few drinks too many and I am going to show you what could happen using an example that happened only recently to a 'friend of mine'. They won't know this is aimed at them and anyone else that knows what happened will either because they think they are too 'cool' to read a blog - they wouldn't know cool if it flirted with them and led them into the bushes (you'll understand my joke once you've read what happened).
So after drinking all of the day, they decided to go to Avenham Park because that's where everyone goes to drink at 3am in the morning (or so it seems) because low and behold, when they got there, there were already people - drunk - on the park and among those people were girls (SHOCK HORROR). So being the testosterone filled boys that they are, they decided to approach these rare and strange creatures and flirt with them in a drunkenly and pathetic manner. To be honest, the girls there must have been pretty bad too because next thing you know, one of the girls is getting led into the bushes by one of my friends. Long story short, he lost something that night that he won't ever get back - and it's not a £10 note...
Sooooo I just thought that I should tell you this story to show one of the many consequences of drinking as I know very well that my regretted it the next day in school as he is only my age because although it made him seem cool at the time and the day after, the reality and teasing soon catches up with that.
So next time you decide to take a leisurely stroll around Avenham at 3am, make sure you check the bushes as you never know what's lurking there...
So Yeah...
The End
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Drunkern Mess
Guten Tag!
Today I shall write about what seems to be a very popular topic on my peer's minds at the minute (well some of them) so today's topic is about ALCOHOL
So as you may or may not know, depending on where you are from, this weekend was the weekend of a Gala which is meant to be a celebration of community and happy things like that which we all know has turned into an excuse for most teenagers and occasionally a few adults to have a drink or two, or three, or four, or five and so on until it turns into a celebration of the drunken mess as there is always someone in sight that is either drinking or been drinking- you can guarantee it!
So alcohol and other grown-up things such as smoking and what not seem to be on most teenagers minds and to be honest I don't quite know why everyone seems so eager to grow up especially with all the rumors that can be caused if you do something you might regret after being 'under the influence of alcohol' that is if you truly are drunk. It seems as though the amount of people pretending to be drunk is ever increasing and why that is will always remain a mystery to me :)
To be continued on my next post date - Friday 20th June
So yeah...
Today I shall write about what seems to be a very popular topic on my peer's minds at the minute (well some of them) so today's topic is about ALCOHOL
So as you may or may not know, depending on where you are from, this weekend was the weekend of a Gala which is meant to be a celebration of community and happy things like that which we all know has turned into an excuse for most teenagers and occasionally a few adults to have a drink or two, or three, or four, or five and so on until it turns into a celebration of the drunken mess as there is always someone in sight that is either drinking or been drinking- you can guarantee it!
So alcohol and other grown-up things such as smoking and what not seem to be on most teenagers minds and to be honest I don't quite know why everyone seems so eager to grow up especially with all the rumors that can be caused if you do something you might regret after being 'under the influence of alcohol' that is if you truly are drunk. It seems as though the amount of people pretending to be drunk is ever increasing and why that is will always remain a mystery to me :)
To be continued on my next post date - Friday 20th June
So yeah...
Monday, 16 June 2014
It's Daddy's Day! (Well Yesterday...)
привіт! (hello in Ukrainian)
Happy Yesterday Father's Day!
As you may or may not know, yesterday was Fathers's day (and also the start of my mocks - eeek) so in order to celebrate this glorious occasion, I am going to post one of my dad's favorite things. Jokes. So this blog is a list of the top ten bad dad jokes I've ever heard...
10. Why do bears have hairy coats?
- Fur protection
*sighs deeply*
9. I spelt Armageddon wrong - but it isn't the end of the world
8. Someone called my clothes gay so I said,"Yeah they came out of the closet this morning"
7. My wife is on a tropical food diet, the house is full of the stuff.
-It's enough to make a mango crazy.
-I hate spam.
Happy Yesterday Father's Day!
As you may or may not know, yesterday was Fathers's day (and also the start of my mocks - eeek) so in order to celebrate this glorious occasion, I am going to post one of my dad's favorite things. Jokes. So this blog is a list of the top ten bad dad jokes I've ever heard...
10. Why do bears have hairy coats?
- Fur protection
*sighs deeply*
9. I spelt Armageddon wrong - but it isn't the end of the world
8. Someone called my clothes gay so I said,"Yeah they came out of the closet this morning"
7. My wife is on a tropical food diet, the house is full of the stuff.
-It's enough to make a mango crazy.
6. Whiteboards are remarkable.
5. What do you call an Alligator wearing a vest?
-An investigator.
4. A random email address keeps sending me loads of pictures advertising tinned meat.-I hate spam.
3. Just bought some barbecue flavored crisps,
-They taste like bricks and wire mesh.
2. I was in Tesco’s and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said,
-"Are you two an item?”
1. What do you call a pile of cats?
-A Meowtain
Soo yeah...
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Wolf Moi
Friday, 13 June 2014
Okay, so today is a very special day for me and that's because today is the day I... *cue drum roll* am going to give birth! - only joking :) today is my BIRTHDAY! YAY!
Soooo, as my birthday is Friday 13th this year and there is also a full moon, I am pretty sure that I'm going to end up turning into wolf because it just all seems to fit and is a theory of mine that is very well scientifically proven (I told people at school this theory but no-one seemed to believe me).
Anyways, I thought I would enlighten you with this little post (sorry it's short)
So Yeah...
Soooo, as my birthday is Friday 13th this year and there is also a full moon, I am pretty sure that I'm going to end up turning into wolf because it just all seems to fit and is a theory of mine that is very well scientifically proven (I told people at school this theory but no-one seemed to believe me).
Anyways, I thought I would enlighten you with this little post (sorry it's short)
So Yeah...
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Hiya :)
I didn't know what to do today so someone at school suggested this (the TMI tag) so here goes nothing...
1: What are you wearing? School Jumper and blouse with my blue checked pajama bottoms
2: Ever been in love? I don't really know
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Indeed I have *shudders*
4: How tall are you?I would say 5"1/5"25: How much do you weigh? Last time I weighed myself I was 6 stone 9 :/
6: Any tattoos? Nope, don't want one wither to be honest
7: Any piercings? Yah my ears
8: OTP? I don't know what that means - plz don't stab me
9: Favorite show? Really like Storage Hunters and Lizard Licking Towing
10: Favorite bands? I like a variety but I really like Theory of a Dead Man at the moment
11: Something you miss? .Not caring about what others thought
12: Favorite song? Macarena
13: How old are you?15
14: Zodiac sign? Gemini
15: Quality you look for in a partner? Not too giant
16: Favorite Quote? "She's called Mary?" - Connie and Carla
17: Favorite actor? Adam Sandler, he makes films so fun!
18: Favorite color?Light Blue/ yellow
19: Loud music or soft? Both depending on my mood - I like to dance to loud
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? To snuggle with my cat which usually ends with me chasing her around the house and bribing her to love me with cat treats
21: How long does it take you to shower? If my mum is motivating me with her motivational shouts - 15 mins but if she isn't I can be up to a hour
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 20 minutes
23: Ever been in a physical fight? With the cat yes but she was the only fighting (see One is Not Amused)
24: Turn on? Good smelling food
25: Turn off? When people chew liek tcha tcha tcha
26: The reason I joined Youtube? I didn't whoops
27: Fears? Heights and large spiders- I don't mind the liccle ones
28: Last time you cried? The other day...
29: Last time you said you loved someone? Before to Josephine :')
30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name? It's a blog but it's the best name generated on the name generator
31: Last book you read?
32: The blog you're currently following? Theexcitinglifeofsammi, havinganailofatime and hollypoppit
33: Last show you watched? Footloose
34: Last person you talked to? Margo
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Bezzies
36: Favorite food? Pizza or Subway
37: Place you want to visit? Korea
38: Last place you were? Schoooool
39: Do you have a crush? Indeed I do
40: Last time you kissed someone? The other day
41: Last time you were insulted? Yesterday
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? I absolutly love barley sugars but I can't find them ANYWHERE so if anyone knows where to get them tell me and I'll love you forever :) I also like twizzlers but I don't live in America so they're quite expensive here :(
43: What instruments do you play? Keyboard (ish) and I used to play the flute
44: Favorite jewelry? I don't really wear it but earrings
45: Last sport you played? Dance (can't play it but hey ho)
46: Last song you sang? Whatever was last on the radio :)
47: Favorite chat up line? I don't have one and I think they're cringy
48: Have you ever used it? Nope
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Today in school
50: Who should answer these questions next? Anyone who fancies it
Thought you could all get to know me a bit better
So yeah...
I didn't know what to do today so someone at school suggested this (the TMI tag) so here goes nothing...
1: What are you wearing? School Jumper and blouse with my blue checked pajama bottoms
2: Ever been in love? I don't really know
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Indeed I have *shudders*
4: How tall are you?I would say 5"1/5"25: How much do you weigh? Last time I weighed myself I was 6 stone 9 :/
6: Any tattoos? Nope, don't want one wither to be honest
7: Any piercings? Yah my ears
8: OTP? I don't know what that means - plz don't stab me
9: Favorite show? Really like Storage Hunters and Lizard Licking Towing
10: Favorite bands? I like a variety but I really like Theory of a Dead Man at the moment
11: Something you miss? .Not caring about what others thought
12: Favorite song? Macarena
13: How old are you?15
14: Zodiac sign? Gemini
15: Quality you look for in a partner? Not too giant
16: Favorite Quote? "She's called Mary?" - Connie and Carla
17: Favorite actor? Adam Sandler, he makes films so fun!
18: Favorite color?Light Blue/ yellow
19: Loud music or soft? Both depending on my mood - I like to dance to loud
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? To snuggle with my cat which usually ends with me chasing her around the house and bribing her to love me with cat treats
21: How long does it take you to shower? If my mum is motivating me with her motivational shouts - 15 mins but if she isn't I can be up to a hour
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? About 20 minutes
23: Ever been in a physical fight? With the cat yes but she was the only fighting (see One is Not Amused)
24: Turn on? Good smelling food
25: Turn off? When people chew liek tcha tcha tcha
26: The reason I joined Youtube? I didn't whoops
27: Fears? Heights and large spiders- I don't mind the liccle ones
28: Last time you cried? The other day...
29: Last time you said you loved someone? Before to Josephine :')
30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name? It's a blog but it's the best name generated on the name generator
31: Last book you read?
32: The blog you're currently following? Theexcitinglifeofsammi, havinganailofatime and hollypoppit
33: Last show you watched? Footloose
34: Last person you talked to? Margo
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Bezzies
36: Favorite food? Pizza or Subway
37: Place you want to visit? Korea
38: Last place you were? Schoooool
39: Do you have a crush? Indeed I do
40: Last time you kissed someone? The other day
41: Last time you were insulted? Yesterday
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? I absolutly love barley sugars but I can't find them ANYWHERE so if anyone knows where to get them tell me and I'll love you forever :) I also like twizzlers but I don't live in America so they're quite expensive here :(
43: What instruments do you play? Keyboard (ish) and I used to play the flute
44: Favorite jewelry? I don't really wear it but earrings
45: Last sport you played? Dance (can't play it but hey ho)
46: Last song you sang? Whatever was last on the radio :)
47: Favorite chat up line? I don't have one and I think they're cringy
48: Have you ever used it? Nope
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Today in school
50: Who should answer these questions next? Anyone who fancies it
Thought you could all get to know me a bit better
So yeah...
Monday, 9 June 2014
One is not amused
Hello strangers!
So today is a quick post because quite frankly, I'm trying to stick to the set days for my blogs but I don't honestly have that much time anymore with school and dancing and what not so yeah :) I shall try to stick to my scheduled days though because I've even got a plan up until the July 29th so I should be well good (good English I know) at keeping on time from now onward - hopefully.
Anyways, it was time to give Margo (my kitty cat if you didn't know already) her flea wash which has to be done every four/five/six months - I honestly don't know to be honest, it's usually done when my Josephine feels the time is right and that's usually every four/five/six months. Carrying on with the story... Josephine decided that it was my turn to do the flea wash because no offence to my mother, but Margo hates her enough as it is never mind smothering her in a foul smelling liquid. Anyhow, long story short, I now have several scratches and punctures on my arms, pajamas that smell of something but I don't quite know what and also a cat that is no longer my friend.
So yeah...
^This is probably the worst thing I have ever written in my whole entire life but YOLO (and yes, I did just say that)
So today is a quick post because quite frankly, I'm trying to stick to the set days for my blogs but I don't honestly have that much time anymore with school and dancing and what not so yeah :) I shall try to stick to my scheduled days though because I've even got a plan up until the July 29th so I should be well good (good English I know) at keeping on time from now onward - hopefully.
Anyways, it was time to give Margo (my kitty cat if you didn't know already) her flea wash which has to be done every four/five/six months - I honestly don't know to be honest, it's usually done when my Josephine feels the time is right and that's usually every four/five/six months. Carrying on with the story... Josephine decided that it was my turn to do the flea wash because no offence to my mother, but Margo hates her enough as it is never mind smothering her in a foul smelling liquid. Anyhow, long story short, I now have several scratches and punctures on my arms, pajamas that smell of something but I don't quite know what and also a cat that is no longer my friend.
So yeah...
^This is probably the worst thing I have ever written in my whole entire life but YOLO (and yes, I did just say that)
Friday, 6 June 2014
Revision Haul :/
Okay, so this has to be the most boring blog I have ever done in my lifetime but I am trying to keep to set dates from now on wards and today is a day I am meant to post.So today's post is my revision haul - basically things I got because I needed them to help me revise which is really my excuse for new pens and random stationary items that I don't need!
I have never done a haul in my life so this is probably really bad but hey ho!

- Maths Set - JTF- 89p
I don't really need another one of these seeing as my mum bulk bought several of these when they were on offer so I have about two more of these sets that are unopened but I got one anyway because the others don't have a blue lid like this one does. - Correction Set - JTF - 89p
Again, I don't really need it or will I have much use of it seeing as I am using colored card so it would like weird with a random white splodge in the middle of it. I might take it to school though, I always find I need it but no one has it anymore... - Little Desk Drawers - B&M's - Uknown (mum got them me as a surprise)
No joke, these are the best things I have ever got in my life! They fit my revision cards in them so they can be put somewhere where I don't lose them and also helps me separate my cards into topics such as Science, English and History. However, they are slightly flimsy. - Fruit Scented Gel Pens - JTF - 89p
Although I do enjoy a good gel pen, these are probably my worst investment out of the whole of my purchases for revision things. This is because although they claim to be 'fruit scented smelling' they smell mainly of rubber and to actually be able to smell the fruit smell you have to put your nose so close to the pen you're guaranteed to get pen on your nose.(They were organised into rainbow order but the cat knocked them. - UniPad Project Book - B&M's - Uknown (mum bought them as a surprise)
I absolutely love these pads because they make me feel so American - it sounds stupid, I know but on all the films they always seem to have this kind of notepad in lessons and strolling down the corridors. These pads are also really good for being organised because you can use each section for a different topic. - 100 Revision Notes - WHSmith - £3.26 (Rip off much)
These were the most expensive things I have as regards to revision but they're probably one of the most important (other than pens or something to write with) things when it comes to revision as they are a great way to note and learn information in an unboring way. As you can see, mine are colored coded which is because like you have probably worked out, I am OCD with my revision and like everything to be colored and organised. - Mini-Stapler - JTF - 89p
This is also an unnecessary buy of mine but I didn't think my pencil case would be complete if I didn't have a mini stapler with even minier (new word alert) in it! It will come in quite handy however, with putting each sub-topic together as I could staple them to create a mini booklet out of my revision cards. - 10 Ball Point Pens - PoundLand - £1 (Coincidence much?)
I decided to invest my (mum's) money into buying some new pens as my old ones were running out and were also biros. I don't really enjoy writing in biro and much prefer the style of these pens that I have now and also, I now have a choice of black and blue meaning that if I was doing a comparison, I could use one color for one thing and the other color for the other thing :) - Clear Pencil Case - JTF - 49p (Plot Twist)
This was more of a needed item than a wanted item because I need a clear pencil case for when it does come to the exam fortnight so I decided to get one seeing as they were on the same aisle as all the other things I got from JTF. I did enjoy choosing the color though - I got blue as that matches 5 of my pens and my maths set.
So yeah...
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Set Posting Times
Just a quick note to say that as my June resolution, I am going to stick to certain days to post and these are the following:
I won't do what I did last time and stick to it for a day or two
So yeah...
Just a quick note to say that as my June resolution, I am going to stick to certain days to post and these are the following:
I won't do what I did last time and stick to it for a day or two
So yeah...
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
I Do Love a Bit of Revision
Long time no see! I feel like I have been the most negligent blog poster in the whole entire world, it's been nearly two whole weeks since I last posted TWO WHOLE WEEKS! I bet some of you thought I was dead - but no fret, Jesus has risen (ahaa sneaky joke).
Anyways, the topic for my post today is the reason why I have abandoned you for so long and that is... REVISION - who doesn't love it?
I'm not going to lie, I do like the idea of revision at first because I get to get new pens and felt tips as well as colored card for revision notes and to be quite honest, I feel like a princess with my new gel pens because they glitter.
After that initial excitement however,I get bored really easily and end up wanting to poke my eye out with cocktail sticks. Fact after fact after fact that has to be noted down so you don't forget what you're talking about and it gets so repetitive that it reminds me of when I used to write Christmas cards for the entire year and teaching staff in Primary School (which also took me forever to do).
I need to make a timetable next so I can vary my revision - I'm meant to be doing that now but decided to procrastinate and post some more so yeah...
Anyways, the topic for my post today is the reason why I have abandoned you for so long and that is... REVISION - who doesn't love it?
I'm not going to lie, I do like the idea of revision at first because I get to get new pens and felt tips as well as colored card for revision notes and to be quite honest, I feel like a princess with my new gel pens because they glitter.
After that initial excitement however,I get bored really easily and end up wanting to poke my eye out with cocktail sticks. Fact after fact after fact that has to be noted down so you don't forget what you're talking about and it gets so repetitive that it reminds me of when I used to write Christmas cards for the entire year and teaching staff in Primary School (which also took me forever to do).
I need to make a timetable next so I can vary my revision - I'm meant to be doing that now but decided to procrastinate and post some more so yeah...
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