Tuesday 9 August 2016

More about me Tag

1. What's your favorite color?
I actually love the colour yellow it's just a shame that it's so bright like it's hard to wear with my paleness and it's a bit much to wake up to so can't paint the walls in it :( 
2. What's your favorite number?
50, it's so beautiful and round
3. What is your dream career?
I would love to go do something extravagant like dance at Disney or own my own dance school or something like that but I would quite like to teach in education like primary of high school, preferably in Italy
4. Where do you see yourself living when you're on your own?
Defo Italy, I would actually love to live there and be a resident Italian but if I don't make it there maybe Lancaster 
5. Where is your favorite place to travel?
Wales by far, all those hills and sheep make a good journey
6. What do you do in your free time?
I love to daydream. I daydream a lot and I like talking to myself. I know that is such a weird past time, but I do. I will daydream about anything and everything mainly food items though or I go over past events in  my head. I also dance quite a lot
7. Favorite clothing stores? 
I love New Look and it's well handy too because it's one of the only places that actually fits me
8. Dream car?
I would love to drive a Fiat 500 they are so cute
9. What TV shows can't you live without?
CSI, America's Next Top Model and Monk
10. 3 things (more like people) you need in your life are...
My cat  - the loml (Only Margo, Ethel is a rat)
Me mam - she's a good'un
Fridge - to keep my food lovely and tasty and cool
11. I can't sleep without...?I can't sleep without my window being opened, especially if I close my bedroom door because otherwise it feels like I'm saturating in my own sweat
12. If you were given 1 million dollars all for yourself what would you do with it?I'd defo save some for going to uni and give some to ,y family members but I think I would use the majority to set up a dance studio with additional equipment for people with poor motor skills so they can join in too.
13. I have a celebrity crush on...?
I don't really have one tbh like sometimes I forget that they're kind of there 
14. What is your favorite treat to eat?
Defo either fruit (like any fruit will do) or crumpets with chilli spready cheese
15. My favorite wild animal is...
A blob fish for sure, they're my spirit animal
16. What is your favorite season?
Well, basically there's only rain what ever the season and we only get like two weeks of proper sunshine so I'd say cloudy? 
17. My favorite childhood shows were...
Defo the tweenies that was my #1 but there was another and I can't think of the name but everything was like silver and shiny. I remember because one year my mum held me a party based on it and wrapped everything in tinfoil.
18. Why did you start making YouTube videos? 
I don't so go figure
19. What do you hold close to your heart? 
Defo my cats (even Ethel) they're lik emy furry babies and defo my mum too

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