Dumela! (Hello in Tswana)
Today's post is a little insight of what I believe the future holds for me - hence the name 'future tag'
1. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? - I plan to be living on my own with 29 cats! No, not really, I plan to be leaving university after studying something sciencey as well as having my own house.
2. Do you want to get married? - I do indeed, in an aquarium in fact :)
3. Do you want children? - I would like two boys and a girl named Noah, Jamie and Lilly but ideally, I would like to adopt instead of my own but I obviously can't rename them like you can with abandoned cats.
4. Do you want to move? If yes, where? - yes I do want to move, I would like to move to Brighton and I know that might be a typical answer but I think that it's a really cute place and a great place to bring up children.
5. How does your dream house look like? - A little thatched cottage with climbing ivy and oerhaps a farm - or not, just think about the smell it would cause!
6. What is your dream job? - I have a list of five jobs I would like to do (first one is my priority choice)- Forensic Scientist
- Border Force/Customs
-Science Teacher
-Dance Teacher
7. What are five things you want to do before you die? - I would like to buy this old building near my house and turn it into a dance studio ( I've wanted this since I was like 9 )I would like to go to or maybe live in Australia for a while,
I want to receive a letter from the queen
I want to own my own house
I would like to move up into the healthy group in PE (this one is the least likely)
8. Are you scared of the future? - I'd say that I am more scared of the near future than the distant future because I am quite scared about my Mocks and GCSE's but I'm not scared about college or university because I know what I'd like to do.
9. What's your biggest dream you would like to achieve in life? - My biggest dream is probably owning the dance studio I was talking about before because I've wanted it for so long!
10. What would be the ideal age for you to die? - I want to be over 100 years old because I really would like a letter from the queen commemorating me on my good work on old ageness.
So Yeah...
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Sunday, 28 September 2014
Margo's Life
Merhaba! (Hello in Turkish)
I understand that I haven't posted in weeks but I have only just got back into routine after going back to school :(
So to get you all up to date, I thought I would tell y'all that you haven't really missed anything other than doing a science and history test in the second week back or the fact that ETHEL IS HOME! That's right she is in my house right as we speak but instead of doing a section about that I thought I would talk about Margo and her adventures and things in life so without further ado, let's begin!
I understand that I haven't posted in weeks but I have only just got back into routine after going back to school :(
So to get you all up to date, I thought I would tell y'all that you haven't really missed anything other than doing a science and history test in the second week back or the fact that ETHEL IS HOME! That's right she is in my house right as we speak but instead of doing a section about that I thought I would talk about Margo and her adventures and things in life so without further ado, let's begin!
- The Magpie Massacre - Grab yourself some tissues now guys because this is a sad story...
So we usually let Margo decide if she wants to stay in or go out whilst I go to school and on this particular occasion, she decided to go outside. I guess she had a good day strolling about the woods, sleeping and doing other catty stuff but soon she got bored and decided to test put her hunting skills where she spotted a magpie. Long story short, she approached the poor magpie and well, killed it. Now the magpie's friend cries :( - Looking for Narnia
One of Margo's favourite pass times is strolling into my room (wiggling her bum as she goes #floozy) and opening my wardrobe where she will then walk right to the back and lie there staring at the wood. - "You shall not pass"
In my opinion, Margo is quite the protector of space and you don't want to cross her when she's on the protective mind set. For example, Margo will sit on the third step - it's always the third step and will try to stop anyone from passing and it gets so bad that she may even try to get hold of their legs. But no fret, if you do a kind of fancy lunge over three steps, you can get over the problem and carry on up towards the stairs.
So that was just a little insight of Margo's life
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
20 Facts About Moi
Gouden Dai!(Hello in Frisian - Sater)
Today, I got 'nominated' for the 20 Facts Tag which is basically 20 Facts about me - how thrilling! Now, it seems to be trending on instagram at this moment at time (the tag that is) and so I thought that I would do it as a blog instead #original
So here we go...
Today, I got 'nominated' for the 20 Facts Tag which is basically 20 Facts about me - how thrilling! Now, it seems to be trending on instagram at this moment at time (the tag that is) and so I thought that I would do it as a blog instead #original
So here we go...
- I is a lonely child
Some of you lovely readers may already know this, especially if you're a regular and read my post Life as a Lonely Child. Not the most thrilling facts in life but you have to get the boring ones out of the way first. - I spent my last day of the holidays watching Doctor Who
It might sound a bit nerdy and weird but once I started watching one episode, I couldn't stop and managed to watch a whole series and a few more episodes - I am now up to S2 Ep5 which is quite the accomplishment if you ask me :) - I hate cotton wool
This my fwends is the devils ear wax in my opinion, I really despise it as the texture is grotty and makes my mouth dry.
I shudder at just the thought of it. - I hate sandpaper
Read above ^ it's the same scenario/circumstances to be honest. - I HAVE to have the volume on the TV in the 5x tables
There's nothing better than a good old rounded number to help you relax on the sofa with a blankie in front of the TV. - My Tuddy Pat (cat in other words) Margo can sit and give her paw like a dog
My life achievement this is, like who'd of thought that an apparently 'simple minded' Tuddy Pat would be able to do something this spectacular. Perhaps when I get 411 more views and set up a YouTube channel, I shall show you... - Half way from writing this post, I went on a high speed chase
Tuddy Pat herself was the reason for this, I shall tell you a brief summary of what happened now...
Josephine and I went to take the recycling out when we noticed that Tuddy was acting rather oddly so standing from a distance, we observed her and her movements which is when we realized that she was chasing a really cute liccle doormouse so we chased after Tuddy who was chasing after the mouse.
So in the end, we saved the mouse woooooo. - I can't swim
Says it itself really... I wasn't born to be a mermaid. - I hate driving over bridges
Seeing as I can't swim, as stated above, it isn't really the most ideal of situations to be in the car when the bridge collapses, water will be everywhere and there would be no way to get away but swim (which if you haven't gathered by now, I can't). - I shall do anything to get out of PE
Sport is not my thing at all and if there is any excuse to get out of PE, it shall be mine - I play 'old people' games
These 'old people' games are the games such as online jigsaw puzzles and online bingo (it's free) that I have taken to playing on recently and I'mm not going to lie, they are absolutely spiffing! - Me coming to terms with the old people lingo, getting down with the oldies. - I only managed to do one thing on my summer list *cries*
The only thing that I managed to do was acquire a pet rock. It was mainly due to fault of my own as I kept forgetting to do them and when I did remember, it didn't happen eg. The meteor shower - I have an obsession with Bloo loo
There's nothing like a fresh smelling, fancy looking toilet and if you ask me, bloo loo does the job. - I have just ordered multiple freebies
I have found a new and glorious website that you can get freebies on, no sign up required and no viruses too. I have just ordered myself some cat food and breakfast bars - go me! - My eyes change colour
Don't know why really so not really much I can explain for this one. - I have size 4 feet
Like this is the for reals truth, I am now 15 years old but my feet seem to be determined to be the size of an 11 year old. Like for real I saw like two Year 7's today with the same shoes on as me. - I do love a good book
There's nothing like a good book to settle down to bed, sometimes you may not be able to read due to the darkness (see this link) but hey ho! - Continental Food Day is my favorite day at school
Once a week, this glorious event happens which is when there is a themed menu for the dinners that day eg. Ireland or China. I think that I like it the most when it's either Germany or India. - I love getting new stationary
I shall do a "what's in my bag" soon so you can see all my new and glorious goodies! - I'm not that exciting really
I hope you enjoyed these highly factual facts
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
Monday, 1 September 2014
113 Days, 10 Hours and 34 Minutes
Mandi!(Hello in Friulian)
Long time no speak my fabulosa strangers, it's another month of the year gone and one more month less to wait for Christmas! Wooooo!
In order of this glorious occasion, I thought I should write some pre-Christmas must haves to really get you into a Christmassy mood so, here we go...
Long time no speak my fabulosa strangers, it's another month of the year gone and one more month less to wait for Christmas! Wooooo!
In order of this glorious occasion, I thought I should write some pre-Christmas must haves to really get you into a Christmassy mood so, here we go...
Friday, 29 August 2014
One Pointless Invention
Today's post is about something that I think is a rather pointless invention and that thing is... A Torch! Before you judge me in my thoughts and what not, I shall explain with a rather thrilling story so, here goes nothing...
It all started when I got sent to bed early - 9pm eurghhh and there were terms and conditions that came with this early night too. For example, all lights were to be switched on, my bedroom door was to remain open (so that Josephine could hear any noise I made) and also not to go on my laptop but these rules meant that I had nothing to do but sleep and being the rebel that I am, I didn't want to do that. Instead, I whipped out my book from underneath my pillow - which is stashed there in case of emergencies like this and proceeded to (or should I say tried to) read but with all the lights out it was quite a difficult process. If any of you have tried it yourself, you would know.
Still adamant that I would not go to sleep, I tried to look for a torch. This is when I released just how pointless the torch was I mean, I couldn't find it because it was too dark so basically, I needed the torch to find the torch if that makes sense.
This is why it is the most pointless invention ever!
So Yeah...
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Life as a Lonely Child
Tadiyass!(Hello in Amharic)
Today's post is about how sad it is to be a lonely child and if you are a lonely child, what you can do to keep yourself busy at the weekends and things for free time...
Today's post is about how sad it is to be a lonely child and if you are a lonely child, what you can do to keep yourself busy at the weekends and things for free time...
- Invest in Some Jigsaws - Well, there may be no one to play the board games or what not with you so try to choose an activity that only requires one... a jigsaw for an example.
Some people may see them as being lame but you gotta do what you gotta do if you are bored. - Get a Blog - I'm an only child and I have a blog so take it from me, it makes you feel as though you have so company, even if it is a load of strangers (fabulosa strangers may I add)
- Create a Summer/Seasonal Themed to do List - Keep your mind busy on activities you can do on your own, such as finding a four leaf clover or sending in a message in a bottle. This way you wont have to rely on anyone for fun but instead, rely on the weather to stay sunny so you can do half the things on your list (which it hasn't for mine)
Just a few things for all you lonely onelys out there :)
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
Monday, 25 August 2014
Ice Bucket Challenge
Brrrrrr!(Hello in the coldness I'm feeling)
So for all you smartical particles out there, you probably know what this post is about (especially if you have read the title) but for all of you strangers that didn't read the title, I shall inform you of the nature of this post - THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE *shivers*
That's right! Today I did the ice bucket challenge and donated my £3 to Macmillan and I'm not going to lie, it was a very cold experience that I probably will not do again unless I have too.
Pictures and the video can be found on my instagram ----> http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
Now, I nominate all you my lovely readers...
Text ICE to 70550 to donate £3 - if you complete the challenge
Text FINE to 70550 to donate £10 - if you chicken out
So Yeah...
So for all you smartical particles out there, you probably know what this post is about (especially if you have read the title) but for all of you strangers that didn't read the title, I shall inform you of the nature of this post - THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE *shivers*
That's right! Today I did the ice bucket challenge and donated my £3 to Macmillan and I'm not going to lie, it was a very cold experience that I probably will not do again unless I have too.
Pictures and the video can be found on my instagram ----> http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
Now, I nominate all you my lovely readers...
Text ICE to 70550 to donate £3 - if you complete the challenge
Text FINE to 70550 to donate £10 - if you chicken out
So Yeah...
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Sssssss!(Hello and pretty much every word in Snake)
Getting into the school spirit (only like 11 days now) this post will be about the school 'food chain' - hence the title, which for you lovely people who don't know, is kind of a food chain (minus the school bit).
Here we go then:
Bottom of the list:
The Rejects -
Getting into the school spirit (only like 11 days now) this post will be about the school 'food chain' - hence the title, which for you lovely people who don't know, is kind of a food chain (minus the school bit).
Here we go then:
Bottom of the list:
The Rejects -
This is the group of people that didn't even make it into the nerdy or freaky group and if they can't make it into one of these, they wont really make it into the popular group will they then? Because of this, I came to the conclusion that 'the rejects' are probably the lowest of the lows
The Teacher's Pet -
The Teacher's Pet -
That one person who will do anything to get a glowing report at parents evening and do ANYTHING to get into the teachers good books, they might even go as far to say 'pick me becasue we share the same birthday'. No one wants to hang around with them becasue they know they'll get marked 'uncool'
The Information Kettles -
These people just sprout out random information whenever they can which I'm not going to lie, is quite funny and interesting at first but after a while it drives you absolutely insane and you can't bear it any longer so you have to walk away. Only a few people can put up with that all day - usually they're information kettle's themselves so yeah...
The Get Arounders -
If they stayed in one group, they'd probably be at the bottom of the list because after a while, everybody gets bored of them which is usually why they transfer groups so much. They think it's because they're so loved and popular that they go into so many groups but really,it's because other groups don't want them.
The Sporty Ones -
Merhhh, I don't know how they do it and how they mange to stay so active and eager in PE but these people make it quite high up on the list as everyone would rather have a sporty friend than a lazy friend.
The Up All Night, Party All Weekend Ones -
Probably the most socially accepted people by the upper part of the chart and the unapproved by the bottom half. I don't really agree with these wild child people as they drink excessively at weekends and stuff but it seems to float other people's boats so hey ho!
Finally... *Drum Roll Please*...
The Unpopular Populars -
These people rule the roost, or should I say corridors but I don't know why to be honest because nobody really likes them that much - hence the name unpopular Populars. It's just one big bunch of intimidating gals stalking about and discussing they're weekend 'activity'. Don't get me wrong though, some are nice but the majority, that's another story.
So Yeah...
PS. I know this is posted on a Sunday but I scheduled it for Friday and it didn't work *cries* so I posted it today
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Returning To Ma Normal Postage Times
Monday, 18 August 2014
Tom & Jerry's Ice Cream
Buschur!(Hello in Alsatian) Today's post is going to be a warm, fuzzy hart warming post about the advantages of Grandmas and why their house is the best house to go to...
- You come hungry and leave 5 stone fatter
At ye old Grandmother's house it seems to be impossible to go at least 30 minutes without being offered or brought some food or drink to nestle in your tummy. This is both an advantage and disadvantage because you no longer need to eat two days after going to your Grandmother's house which saves a lot of money on shopping but on the other hand, you could be really full but feel like you have to eat what's being offered to be polite. - You also leave with some "Tom and Jerry's Ice Cream"
This my friends, is the new name that my Grandma has given to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, it seems as though Ben didn't fit the bill so she replaced it with Tom (from the cartoon).
I don't usually have this ice cream often nor do I get it often because it's so expensive but every now and again, I will get a tub for being such a fabulosa granddaughter. - You always get your own wayI don't know about you guys, but at Grandma's house, anything I say rules eg. My mum told me I couldn't have those magazines about real people because they're 'too grown up' so what did my Grandma go and do? She got me a secret stash of some on my next visit :)
As well as this, there never seems to be a no at Grandma's so I can have sweets before tea is even ready (how rebellious)
Just a few happy things about Grandmas
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Procrastination Central
Assalaamu alaikum! (Hello in Maldivian)
Today's post is about something that I am really really good at at the moment and that is... Procrastinating. When I say procrastinating, I don't just mean doing something 'in a minute' instead, I mean fully putting off something for a good 4-5 weeks which is exactly what I have managed to do with more or less all my homework so here are my top tips for procrastinating
Today's post is about something that I am really really good at at the moment and that is... Procrastinating. When I say procrastinating, I don't just mean doing something 'in a minute' instead, I mean fully putting off something for a good 4-5 weeks which is exactly what I have managed to do with more or less all my homework so here are my top tips for procrastinating
1.Take a Nap - Have some homework to do? Have to tidy your room? Well I recommend a nap because you can't do any of the precious things without a well rested mind can you? Nope.
I also recommend you have a nap from about 3pm-6pm because when you wake up, you can have your tea, chill for a bit and then go to bed once more because it's getting late... Homework and bedroom are still uncompleted.
2. Use the Cat as an Excuse - Is your cat looking sad? Looking like (s)he needs a loving belly rub and a playing with? Well it would be really selfish of you to focus on your own needs such as homework and room tidying so it would be for the best and much more fair for you to spend some quality time with the cat... this could last all day if you wanted.
3."It's been planned for ages though" - A very good line if you want to go outside and chill with your friends and your parents want you to get on with your room and homework which you have successfully managed to put off for two weeks now. It wouldn't be fair for you to let down your friends after what seems like years of planning and months of excitement and as long as your parents know this, you'd probably be allowed to go :)
4.Have a nice long shower - Get your creative homeworkey juices flowing whilst taking a hourly-two hourly shower which deffo kills a lot of time. Don't get bored however because then you'd be just a bored as you would be if you were doing your homework or tidying your room so don't forget your book or ipod/pad/phone.
Hope you enjoyed my top tips
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
Cloudy with a Chance of Gherkin
Manao ahoana e!(Hello in Malagasy)
Now, before you bite my head off, I know I didn't post last night, and I know I promised but TADAAAA! It's here now :) So today/last night's post is about those things that have made my summer so far, that bit more sunny (the title will soon become apparent).
Here goes:

When I first made this list, I had the intention of completing them all but I have been so busy that I didn't think that I would even be able to do one so I am really happy to have completed at least one! You never know though, I may have completed more than one thing on my list - not just acquire a pet rock but I know one thing for sure, I have taken far from 1000 photos. However, there are some others that I still have chance of doing some of which I can't do on my own eg, achieving 2000 page views (which I'm 611 away from) so keep reading guys!
It sounds sad I know, but I for one am a very avid gherkin lover and eater so this was a very happy moment in my life (I guess the title is now explained)
3.IT'S NOT JUST ROCKS THAT ARE NEW TO THE FAMILY~I have some fun and fabulosa news for you all... Margo is no longer going to be an only cat as Josephine has finally said yes to me getting another kitten *cue endless amounts of applause and cheers*. The new kitten isn't yet ready for coming home as she was only born last week but she is deffo a girl and her name is Ethel... Check out my Instagram to see pictures and maybe a sneaky video of her in her early days and weeks!
These are 3 of the many things that have gave me a sunny Summer, even throughout the gloomy rainy weather.
So Yeah...
Now, before you bite my head off, I know I didn't post last night, and I know I promised but TADAAAA! It's here now :) So today/last night's post is about those things that have made my summer so far, that bit more sunny (the title will soon become apparent).
Here goes:
When I first made this list, I had the intention of completing them all but I have been so busy that I didn't think that I would even be able to do one so I am really happy to have completed at least one! You never know though, I may have completed more than one thing on my list - not just acquire a pet rock but I know one thing for sure, I have taken far from 1000 photos. However, there are some others that I still have chance of doing some of which I can't do on my own eg, achieving 2000 page views (which I'm 611 away from) so keep reading guys!
It sounds sad I know, but I for one am a very avid gherkin lover and eater so this was a very happy moment in my life (I guess the title is now explained)
3.IT'S NOT JUST ROCKS THAT ARE NEW TO THE FAMILY~I have some fun and fabulosa news for you all... Margo is no longer going to be an only cat as Josephine has finally said yes to me getting another kitten *cue endless amounts of applause and cheers*. The new kitten isn't yet ready for coming home as she was only born last week but she is deffo a girl and her name is Ethel... Check out my Instagram to see pictures and maybe a sneaky video of her in her early days and weeks!
These are 3 of the many things that have gave me a sunny Summer, even throughout the gloomy rainy weather.
So Yeah...
Friday, 15 August 2014
No meteors and a whole lot of disappointment
Goededag!(Hello in Dutch)
This post I am currently posting is on behalf of Thursday and I'm not counting it as Friday so there will be another post later tonight :)
As you may or may not know, I have a summer wish list which believe it or not, is composed of the things I wish to do in the summer. Last night, my pallies Hannah and Grace and I went to Lytham to see a meteor shower and I'd you couldn't tell by the title.... There was none.
Disappointment Central!
However, when we went through Blackpool to get home, all the illuminations were switched on as a 'practice' run so that was pretty nifty.
So Yeah...
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Parents Shouldn't Have Twitter
Tervist!(Hello in Estonian)
As you may know, I have recently started a Twitter and Instagram account and whilst on these accounts I found Josephine on both Twitter and Instagram *cringe* and not only that, my next door neighbour does too! I for one, think that there should be some boundaries between parents and children and that is what my post is about today...
So Yeah...
As you may know, I have recently started a Twitter and Instagram account and whilst on these accounts I found Josephine on both Twitter and Instagram *cringe* and not only that, my next door neighbour does too! I for one, think that there should be some boundaries between parents and children and that is what my post is about today...
Selfies are not for adults |
- Parents shdnt txt lyk dis lol
As much as they believe it makes them 'down with the kids' it's just embarrassing, no-one really texts like that anyway so it just shouldn't be done. Also, it can be quite hard to actually understand what's going on when people write like that too because it can be difficult to process and properly read. - Parents shouldn't buy teen styled clothes
Have you ever seen your mum or someone old enough to be your mum, trying to pull of the same styled shorts or dresses that you have in your wardrobe? It's not a very pleasant sight and one I would happily avoid if I could but to be honest, it's not one I'm often faced with because Josephine prefers pants and I prefer dresses but today when I was in town I saw some right sights *shudders*. - Awkward adult selfiesI for one believe that one of the most embarrassing things that people seem to be doing nowadays are the horrendous photos that they're taking (see one provided for an example). Let's just digest this photo and all things wrong with it:
1. The red filter that's going on - What even is this? I feel like it takes the photo up to a solid 7 on the scale of fabulosa (0) to horrendous (10) scale which to be quite honest, is not to good as this picture is more horrendous than fabulosa by miles!
2. The beanie - Ahhh, now here we see another poor attempt at being 'down with the kids' as this man rocks the beanie - not. I don't see why it was needed on this picture, maybe he wanted to look 'hard' whilst on his prowl for ze ladies but if that's the reason, his approach is a no go and he should rethink for a new approach to the gals.
3. This is a recurring theme in not only adults selfies but Year 6/7's as well so it might just be a newbie thing but still, it shouldn't be done. Now most of you probably know what I'm on about but those of you who don't, I'm on about the full on face that you are greeted with when you look at this picture. I think, if you don't know how to do it, you should save yourself the embarrassment and not do it... - Finally,adults shouldn't have social sites Again, I don't think that adults should really be let loose on social sites (unless it's my blog) because quite frankly, it's embarrassing. Take Josephine's twitter account for example, there are some horrifically bad tweets on there that make me cringe... an example of this is ' #Xfactor we have no TV signal :( missed results! Damn you ITV #ITV' or another example could be the names that some people choose eg. @garybawlowisfit - this is the twitter name of a 40/50 year old adult.
I do however think that it's okay for parents to have some form of social media such as Facebook and I'm not going to lie, I have Josephine on Facebook and in some people's eyes, that's probably said too but hey-ho! It has it's benefits :)
So Yeah...
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Fredricko Rocks and Family
Halito!(Hello in Choctaw)
As you may know, I had a 'to do' list for Summer and you might be pleased to find out that I have finally completed something on my list and that is.... To acquire a pet rock. But I've not only got one my lovely readers, I have a whole family of them - eight.
So this post is me introducing you to my little palls:
That's it for the Rocks family!
As you may know, I had a 'to do' list for Summer and you might be pleased to find out that I have finally completed something on my list and that is.... To acquire a pet rock. But I've not only got one my lovely readers, I have a whole family of them - eight.
So this post is me introducing you to my little palls:
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Scramosh - Scramosh is Fredricko's wifey for lifey and like Fredricko, is a bit on the larger side of life so she isn't very active either |
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So Yeah...
Check Out:
My Instagram -----> http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
My Instagram -----> http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
Monday, 11 August 2014
My Quirks
Wyaaaaaa!(Hello in Shyriiwook aka.Wookie)
So I decided that I haven't really posted about me this Summer, or anything at all to be honest (sorry about that by the way but I've been oober busy) so this post is going to be about me and my quirks :)
So I decided that I haven't really posted about me this Summer, or anything at all to be honest (sorry about that by the way but I've been oober busy) so this post is going to be about me and my quirks :)
- I use an excessive amount of hand gestures when I talk - I don't seem to be able to hold a conversation with someone without me subconsciously wafting my hands around as if the area has just been invaded by a swarm of bees. It's quite a disadvantage too to be honest because it's really obvious when I'm talking when I'm not meant to be meaning I get told off quite often for talking when I'm not meant to.
- My spelling isn't too fabulous - Believe me, it's scary how many of those horrific red squiggles have appeared underneath the words in the post already. It's funny though because it's the easier words that I keep spelling wrong and the harder ones that I am okay at - explain that if you can.
- I am really fidgety - I guess this one ties in with the fact that I use hand gestures when I talk but at the moment, I can't really sit still and I don't know if it's because it's Summer so there's no dancing so I have loads of energy that needs unleashing. I just can't sit still to be quite honest.
That's it for now, I decided to keep it short and sweet showing you three of my many quirks!
So Yeah...
Check Out:
My Instagram -----> http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
My Instagram -----> http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
My Twitter ------> https://twitter.com/zelovelybeff
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Happy birthday Hanananananah
Today's post is a special post becasue it's one of my special (in a good way) friends Hannah's birthday woop woop so I decided to do a lovely post as I am lovely after all!xx
That's it really, I could writ how fabulosa she is and what not but quite simply, that would take too long
So Yeah...
Ps this was due for May 28th whoopsies! Better late than never I guess x
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Fun and Fabulosa things for rainy days
Meow!(Hello in Cat)
In aid of it being National Rain Day, I decided to give y'all some fun things to do on a rainy day...
In aid of it being National Rain Day, I decided to give y'all some fun things to do on a rainy day...
- Take a family trip to Ikea -
Now, which is better, having to stay in your house without even being able to play a decent game of hide and seek (unless you live in a mansion) or chill in a numerous amount of disjointed houses with the worlds best game of hide and seek? I think the last one which in my opinion provides great fun on a rainy day - Indoor Treasure Hunt-
If you don't fancy that venture outside, ask your mother to hide some objects or something in the house to find - not quite to the scale of Ikea but still fun :) - Do a spot of baking -
This is probably one of the things that I do quite often when it rains and to be honest, when it isn't raining too. I just think it's such a fun thing to do and it also makes you all toasty warm on a cold day because of all the oven usage! - Create an iccle den under the table -
Nothing better than making a cozy little next under the table, especially if it is stormy as well as rainy because in my opinion, a table den is a worthy protector of the thunder and lightening that you're hoping to block out. - Fish out your Hamma Beads -
I know, and you know that you still have them lurking in the back of your cupboard somewhere so why not whip them out when it's rainy? I'm not going to lie though, there is one thing that you should be cautious of before you start...
-1- Make sure you have greaseproof paper at hand ready to iron them all so that they stick togetehr
-2- Make sure you are either allowed to use the iron or there's someone else that is (I'm not really allowed) because you might spend aaaaaages creating a technical pattern, and then knock it over waiting for someone iron worthy to come home and iron it for you.
So Yeah...
Monday, 28 July 2014
Throw Back Tag!
Meow!(Hello in Cat)
Today's post isn't all to great to be honest, because I am still quite tired from Castlerigg and this post will be the Throw Back Tag...
Today's post isn't all to great to be honest, because I am still quite tired from Castlerigg and this post will be the Throw Back Tag...
- What year was you born in?
The answer to this changes depending on what I am on because if it is on a website where I could win a prize (see previous post for an example of this) I will often say the year 1976 but the year I was actually born in is 1999 - like the rest of the cool kidz. - Do you have a picture of yourself when you was younger - show it
This is a beautiful (not) picture of me when I was only 2 years and 2 months old on holiday to Majorca. I don't really remember anything that went on on that holiday but I am sure that if I knew what my mother tried to make me wear, I would rebel and make her remove the hat immediately as it is the most disgusting thing I've seen in my life. - What TV did you grow up watching?
I absolutely adored the Tweenies and wanted to be just like them which is one of the main reasons that I started my ballet lessons because I wanted to be like Bella. I also went to see them live and dressed up like Fizz and also had a Tweenies birthday cake at nursery. - What was your favourite thing to play with?
I always had my teddy Lambi with me which I have to this day... Other than that I didn't really have any favourite toys. - Most embarrassing thing I can remember doing...
I once wet myself at my cousins house because we were on a water thing outside and weren't allowed in side unless we needed the toilet and Alicia (the cousin) said she needed a wee too but she didn't say she needed to poo as well so I ended up wetting myself because I was waiting for her that long :/ - Song I loved as a child...
I don't really know but Josephine says that I used to love 'Hey Baby' wooooo - Funniest thing I dressed up as in Halloween...
To be quite honest, I have never really dressed up as anything funny, I usually stay traditional and be a witch or something but one year I decided to be adventurous and dressed in a cat-suit and wings to be a bat! - What is a weird allergy you used to have as a child?
I used to be allergic with tomato ketchup and get a red rash around my mouth when I ate it. - What was the scariest thing that happened as a child?
When I fell into the table and cracked my head open - It was all okay afterwards though because I got some Haribos and a sticker afterwards for being a good girl :) - Are there any special things you've kept from when you were younger?
Why of course I do! My mother more or less hoarded everything from dresses to shoes to nappies (the last one was a joke by the way). One thing that I really liked from when I was younger was a 'story' that I had wrote about my Auntie's dog Kimmy which I shall share with you someday.

Friday, 25 July 2014
This Week in an Almond
Вітаю!(Hello in Belarusian)
This post is going to be a general summery of this week because I feel like I haven't told you anything that I've done and if I did an account of it next week, we would constantly be a week behind!
So, time for the catch up and really quick accounts of what was going on...
1.First Blood Test and No Sticker
So this week, I had to go to Chorley Hospital (nothing is really wrong as far as we know) and ended up having my first ever blood test which was really quite weird and I didn't even get a sticker for being brave! The cheek! Other people my age get 'well done' stickers and I didn't *cries* maybe next time I will be really dramatic so I get one...
2.Trip to Lytham
This Thursday, I went on a little outing to Lytham but sadly, I forgot to write a letter to put in a bottle *gasps of horror* so I shall have to do that another time :(
3.I have a new addition to the family...
Anyone who had my instagram will know what I am talking about because I posted a sneak peak of him up on there but I shall not reveal anything about Freddie until Wednesday's post - Mwahahaha
This one was short and sweet I guess
So Yeah...
This post is going to be a general summery of this week because I feel like I haven't told you anything that I've done and if I did an account of it next week, we would constantly be a week behind!
So, time for the catch up and really quick accounts of what was going on...
1.First Blood Test and No Sticker
So this week, I had to go to Chorley Hospital (nothing is really wrong as far as we know) and ended up having my first ever blood test which was really quite weird and I didn't even get a sticker for being brave! The cheek! Other people my age get 'well done' stickers and I didn't *cries* maybe next time I will be really dramatic so I get one...
2.Trip to Lytham
This Thursday, I went on a little outing to Lytham but sadly, I forgot to write a letter to put in a bottle *gasps of horror* so I shall have to do that another time :(
3.I have a new addition to the family...
Anyone who had my instagram will know what I am talking about because I posted a sneak peak of him up on there but I shall not reveal anything about Freddie until Wednesday's post - Mwahahaha
This one was short and sweet I guess
So Yeah...
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Castlerigg Dayz - Thursday
Bon Dia!(Hello in Catalan)
Today's post is a very creative post of mine as it is mainly all pictures with very few words and I'm not going to lie, this was so fun to make - except for trying to organize the pictures into straight lines which I eventually gave up on.
Today's post is a very creative post of mine as it is mainly all pictures with very few words and I'm not going to lie, this was so fun to make - except for trying to organize the pictures into straight lines which I eventually gave up on.
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4 Weetabix for breakfast as per usual :) |
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I re-drew Patricia onto my hand because she disappeared over night |
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After that, we had a mini-game to show how much we have compared to some other people |
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It was then time for prayer stations in the chapel which was also an opportunity for an extra nap |
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A butterfly was stuck in the chapel and landed on me and I felt so cute awhhh |
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To add more cuteness, we wrote affirmations about each other which are basically nice things and what we like about each other surmised and left anonymous |
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Dinner! We had chicken burgers outside in the sunshine |
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Dinner now over, we got into our smaller groups and planned different parts of the mass - ours was 'Welcoming' so we created free hug signs which were actually really fun to paint. |
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Went on a walk that had a lake view in our still sopping walking gear - nothing special really and no ice-lollies were provided :( |
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Went into Keswick town and bought a really nice smoothie which you can see on instagram :) http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff |
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If you couldn't tell by the picture - which is probably what's going on because I am so bad at drawing but for tea, we had a BBQ. |
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Dinner now all settled in our tummies, we played a really really weird tribal game and other games such as... |
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Bull Dogs... |
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And Limbo which by the way, I was really bad at! |
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After cooling down a bit, we put our glam rags on and went to the disco - which played songs from Grease *yay* |
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Finally, the disco ended and it was time to pack ready for leaving on the Friday |
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Hot chocolate time... |
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Accompanied by a bed time story |
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And then beddy byes So Yeah... THE END |
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Surprise post
SURPRISE! It's an unexpected post alert!
I just thought I would let you know that I have some social media links that I would like you to have and I have had them for some time now but forgot to share them - whoopsies
Twitter... https://twitter.com/zelovelybeff
Instagram... http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
^ I shall try to follow back on both :')
I don't really think that I am quite popular enough for a facebook page yet to be honest but now would be a good time to point out that I am getting slowly but surely closer to my 2000 page views!
So Yeah...
I just thought I would let you know that I have some social media links that I would like you to have and I have had them for some time now but forgot to share them - whoopsies
Twitter... https://twitter.com/zelovelybeff
Instagram... http://instagram.com/zelovelybeff
^ I shall try to follow back on both :')
I don't really think that I am quite popular enough for a facebook page yet to be honest but now would be a good time to point out that I am getting slowly but surely closer to my 2000 page views!
So Yeah...
Castlerigg Dayz - Wednesday
Tungjatjeta!(Hello in Albanian)
I'm going to once again with my mini-series but to liven it up a bit both today and tomorrow I am going to lay it out differently and see how it goes... today's layout is going to be bullet points (how thrilling)!
I'm going to once again with my mini-series but to liven it up a bit both today and tomorrow I am going to lay it out differently and see how it goes... today's layout is going to be bullet points (how thrilling)!
- Morning reflection - We had a look how not everything looks the way it is for example, they showed us a picture of what we all thought was a member of the Ku Klux Klan but actually turned out to be a priest at a Spanish festival!
- Bacon at breakfast! No joke, this absolutely made my day like woooooo (no fret, I had my weetabix too)
- We then looked at who our neighbor is and how different people may see us depending on who they are eg. society, family or teachers. We also looked at how we see ourselves and discussed why we think that we see ourselves that way.
- After that, we split into our smaller groups again and made a banner on different topics, ours was relationships so we did it like a dating website online which was really cool and effective.
- A walk to the lake then followed and it was absolutely pouring it down which made us really cold because out waterproofs turned out to not be very waterproof at all!
- Dinner - it was a packed lunch because of the walk
- After dinner we did role plays on the Good Samaritan, ours were in the theme of a Soap Opera and it was probably one of the funniest things we did on the whole trip :)
- We then had reconciliation and I drew a friend on my hand and named her Patricia
- Tea Time - to be quite honest, I can't remember what we had but it would have been nice because all the food there was really good.
- We then had night reflection where we wrote about the day
- It was then time for hot chocolate and a bed time story followed by bed
So Yeah...
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Casterigg Dayz - Tuesday
Helo!(Hello in Welsh)
Today I shall be talking about my Tuesday at Castlerigg - if you couldn't tell by the title.
I woke up at 8am which I thought was really cool because on the Monday night, we were all discussing how we wanted to wake up early enough to get a shower before everyone else and the hot water only turned on at 8.05 so we all agreed to waking up at 8am, which I did exactly.
We then had our breakfast (4 weetabix) and then assembled again where we watched a 'job interview' which was really interesting because it was about... actually, I won't spoil it for you, just watch the video :)
After that, we talked about our home, family, school and future lives and were meant to talk about them more when we got into our smaller groups but instead, we played mind games because we are wild and can't be tamed.
Following that, we went on our first walk/hike to 'Stone Circle' which was what it said on the can really, a circle of stones. This walk/hike included a really steep hill that hurt my poor iccle legs but one advantage to the walk/hike however was that we got an ice lolly when we reached the top of the hill for free (which the teachers bought for us).
Lolly now finished, we had to make the descent which was actually okay because I got a beautiful photo of a sheep which I might post later.
We finally got back and I decided to take (another) shower which was the speediest shower of my life may I add when I realized I brought two different types of shampoo thinking that one of them was conditioner *sighs in despair*. Mini shower trauma now over, it was time for tea which was pizza and chips outside where we sat on some very cozy blankets. We remained outside for some 'free time' where I played catch/rounders with Beth and Niamh and I'm not going to lie, it will be a shock if I don't make it onto the rounders trip when I get back to school.
Nightly reflection then followed and we had our nightly hot chocolate and bed time story.
So Yeah...
Today I shall be talking about my Tuesday at Castlerigg - if you couldn't tell by the title.
I woke up at 8am which I thought was really cool because on the Monday night, we were all discussing how we wanted to wake up early enough to get a shower before everyone else and the hot water only turned on at 8.05 so we all agreed to waking up at 8am, which I did exactly.
We then had our breakfast (4 weetabix) and then assembled again where we watched a 'job interview' which was really interesting because it was about... actually, I won't spoil it for you, just watch the video :)
After that, we talked about our home, family, school and future lives and were meant to talk about them more when we got into our smaller groups but instead, we played mind games because we are wild and can't be tamed.
Following that, we went on our first walk/hike to 'Stone Circle' which was what it said on the can really, a circle of stones. This walk/hike included a really steep hill that hurt my poor iccle legs but one advantage to the walk/hike however was that we got an ice lolly when we reached the top of the hill for free (which the teachers bought for us).
Lolly now finished, we had to make the descent which was actually okay because I got a beautiful photo of a sheep which I might post later.
We finally got back and I decided to take (another) shower which was the speediest shower of my life may I add when I realized I brought two different types of shampoo thinking that one of them was conditioner *sighs in despair*. Mini shower trauma now over, it was time for tea which was pizza and chips outside where we sat on some very cozy blankets. We remained outside for some 'free time' where I played catch/rounders with Beth and Niamh and I'm not going to lie, it will be a shock if I don't make it onto the rounders trip when I get back to school.
Nightly reflection then followed and we had our nightly hot chocolate and bed time story.
So Yeah...
Monday, 21 July 2014
Castlerigg Dayz - Monday
konnichiwa!(Hello in Japanese)
Today's post is the first part of a mini-series that I shall be doing about my time at Castlerigg. Tonight, I shall talk about the Monday I was there, and tomorrow about the Tuesday and so on.
I shall start know otherwise I might get off topic like I usually do!
The day started as normal meaning that I had to go to lessons in the morning *eurghh* but the day was made a bit better because instead of having our first lesson (science) we had our Year 10 celebration assembly which Sammi and Alice took part in!
After what felt like forever, we set off and was finally on our way and 2 hours and one pit stop later, we arrived safe and sound at Keswick (which is where Castlerigg is). When we got there, we had time to unpack and make ourselves at home and trust me, we did just that!
Around 6/7 ish we had tea which was chicken wraps - yum! We then all assembled in the main lounge where we got split into smaller groups - mine was the 'Squid Lickers' and in these groups, we played a series of games and challenges in which we got marked out of 20. I personally thought that our group won but apparently, 'we all won'. Lies.
Because of the hike the next day, we all got fitted for boots and (not very waterproof) waterproofs as we found out on the Wednesday hike...
To finish the day, we all gathered together once again for a hot chocolate and bed time story.
So Yeah...
Today's post is the first part of a mini-series that I shall be doing about my time at Castlerigg. Tonight, I shall talk about the Monday I was there, and tomorrow about the Tuesday and so on.
I shall start know otherwise I might get off topic like I usually do!
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Who needs bunk-beds when you have the floor? |
After what felt like forever, we set off and was finally on our way and 2 hours and one pit stop later, we arrived safe and sound at Keswick (which is where Castlerigg is). When we got there, we had time to unpack and make ourselves at home and trust me, we did just that!
Around 6/7 ish we had tea which was chicken wraps - yum! We then all assembled in the main lounge where we got split into smaller groups - mine was the 'Squid Lickers' and in these groups, we played a series of games and challenges in which we got marked out of 20. I personally thought that our group won but apparently, 'we all won'. Lies.
Because of the hike the next day, we all got fitted for boots and (not very waterproof) waterproofs as we found out on the Wednesday hike...
To finish the day, we all gathered together once again for a hot chocolate and bed time story.
So Yeah...
Friday, 18 July 2014
Sunny Dayz
Why hello there fellow humans!
I seem to be a bit bad at keeping on track of my blog posts at the mo but I have a reasonable reason this time and that's because I have been away on a school retreat at Castlerigg...
Next weeks posts will be a little different too because I am going to post everyday, telling you what I would've been doing that day if I was in Castlerigg (if that makes sense).
I'm not going to go on about this much longer because it's officially the beginning of Summer as I have now broken up for school *cheers and wooos*
Sorry that's it short but that's it for now,
So Yeah...
I seem to be a bit bad at keeping on track of my blog posts at the mo but I have a reasonable reason this time and that's because I have been away on a school retreat at Castlerigg...
Next weeks posts will be a little different too because I am going to post everyday, telling you what I would've been doing that day if I was in Castlerigg (if that makes sense).
I'm not going to go on about this much longer because it's officially the beginning of Summer as I have now broken up for school *cheers and wooos*
Sorry that's it short but that's it for now,
So Yeah...
Monday, 14 July 2014
The Babybel Tradgedy
Sssssssssssssssss!(Hello in snake)
Today my post is going to be quick and is about a major tragedy that happened to me today, all because of a babybel wrapper!
So there I was, happily munching away on my babybel when a sign on the wrapper caught my eye. obviously, I went for a closer look where I found that it was a competition to win a babybel football by entering the code on the packet into the internet.
My hopes weren't really that high to be honest especially because not everyone would win but low and behold, I WON! I don't think I have ever felt so proud of myself for doing so little work in my life than I had at that moment in time. But then, *cue dramatic music* my laptop died before I had even managed to enter the details for postage.
Running for the charger like my life depended on it, I quickly plugged it in, hoping that I hadn't lost my hard-earned prize but being the unlucky person I am, when I opened the internet once again, I was not greeted with a screen asking me to enter my details. So once again, I opened the babybel website and entered my code but you'd never guess what it said?! 'THIS CODE HAS ALREADY BEEN ENTERED' flashed up on screen meaning that my prize will be forever unclaimed :(
So Yeah...
Today my post is going to be quick and is about a major tragedy that happened to me today, all because of a babybel wrapper!
So there I was, happily munching away on my babybel when a sign on the wrapper caught my eye. obviously, I went for a closer look where I found that it was a competition to win a babybel football by entering the code on the packet into the internet.
My hopes weren't really that high to be honest especially because not everyone would win but low and behold, I WON! I don't think I have ever felt so proud of myself for doing so little work in my life than I had at that moment in time. But then, *cue dramatic music* my laptop died before I had even managed to enter the details for postage.
Running for the charger like my life depended on it, I quickly plugged it in, hoping that I hadn't lost my hard-earned prize but being the unlucky person I am, when I opened the internet once again, I was not greeted with a screen asking me to enter my details. So once again, I opened the babybel website and entered my code but you'd never guess what it said?! 'THIS CODE HAS ALREADY BEEN ENTERED' flashed up on screen meaning that my prize will be forever unclaimed :(
So Yeah...
Friday, 11 July 2014
Summer Time!
Ola!(Hello in Chabacano de Cavite)
So, celebrating the 'unofficial' end of Year 10, which also signifies the beginning of Summer *yay* I am going to do a nice summery post so there's no better way to kick start summer than making a Summer Bucket List!
(I shall keep you up to date and post pictures once/ if I complete anything)
So, celebrating the 'unofficial' end of Year 10, which also signifies the beginning of Summer *yay* I am going to do a nice summery post so there's no better way to kick start summer than making a Summer Bucket List!
(I shall keep you up to date and post pictures once/ if I complete anything)
- Take 1000 Photos
Anyone who know me will know that I am really quite photo happy and the complete opposite of camera shy so I decided that this should be on my list. As well as this, Year 11 is growing closer which mean leaving school is growing closer too so I want to get as many memories as I can with my friends before we all go our separate ways... - Acquire a Pet Rock
This is one of the weirder things on my list but I decided that I should have a pet that will be in the house more than Margo this summer as I can guarantee that she will just end up falling asleep outside in the sunshiney garden and only come inside when hungry.
I don't have a name yet though, one will probably come to mind when I find my precious little pet for the first time. - Find a Four Leaf Clover
I have never in my lifetime found a four leaf clover and so I think that this summer is my time to find one! It also seems like one of those things that everyone else has on their list so I decided to be a sheep and join in. - Hide and Seek at Midnight
I live in a small estate that has a mini gathering of trees right in the middle of it and I also live with a woods behind the estate so I think that playing Hide and Seek at Midnight is an absolute must-do this summer because even though I am 15, I think it will be quite fun. As well as this, it will be quite dark but not dangerously dark so that one of us might accidentally fall over bin or something stupid and die. - Send a Message in a Bottle at Lytham
This is kind of killing two birds with one stone because one of the things on the original list was go to Lytham and another was send a message in a bottle so I decided to bunch them both together - much like bananas. The plan is to just write a letter, shove it in a letter and place it in the sea at Lytham and hope someone reads it. Another version of this that I might do is bury it in the sand ans see how long it takes to be dug up and replied to... - Get 2000 Page Views
A bit cheesy I know but I feel it would be quite the good achievement as this is my first ever blog so it would be cool to get so many views by the end of summer. I also want someone from Japan to read this blog so if anyone has anyone Japanese relatives or friends, show them my blog! - Place Random Items in Other People's Shopping Carts
I just think that this sounds really fun and really lives up to my rebel persona - I don't know how I will get proof of this but hey ho! I shall have to take a sneaky selfie of get my mother on the job too. - Receive a Tweet Off Someone Famous
Once again, this is quite a typical thing to be on a teenager's summer/bucket list but that's probably why it appeals to me and I am absolutely determined to get someone famous to reply to my tweet to them - I got a signed photo off Tim Minchin so why not a tweet off someone else? - Outrageous Clothes to Fancy Restaurant
This is quite spontaneous but I think it will be quite fun especially if I get my friends to join in too and I would say that this is one of the weirder things on the list and I quite look forward to it. Perhaps each friend good go for a different style e.g. Gothic, Grunge and Neon etc - Watch a Meteor Shower
This is such a cute idea (in my eyes) so I decided to shove this on my list. I don't really know how to prove that I have done this as i don't know if you can really take pictures of meteors very well but I shall have a go. Anyways, I plan to do this on the 12th August as that is the peak of the meteor shower Perseids. - Homemade Ice-Cream
I also really like this idea a lot and I look forward to doing this even though it will probably be disastrous as I have no ice-cream maker so it will all be done by hand but who knows, if it's successful, I may even make cookies to go with it. - COLLABORATION BLOG
I hope to be able to do a bit of a collaboration with Alice and Sammi where Alice could perhaps pain my nails and Sammi write a blog for me to post.
A bit of a longer one tonight to make up for forgetting you last time
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
Thursday, 10 July 2014
I forgot to post AHHHH
Osiyo!(Hello in Cherokee)
Okays, as you can probably tell, I am not very punctual at the moment and I do apologize but I was just so tired after yesterday's hard work that I ended up falling asleep as soon as I got in meaning I completely forgot!
So, you're probably wondering... What was that strenuous event that caused Beth to have several naps and abandon us? Well, it was sports day - quite frankly the worst day of the year!
I absolutely despise PE and anyone knows me knows that I will go through any length to avoid a PE lesson and doing an event in sports day.
There I was, happily avoiding participating in years 7,8 and 9 - I was 'Sports Captain' who wasn't allowed to do an event but then the dark gloomy cloud came over my head as in year 10, someone else had bagsied Sports Captain so I had to actually join in :(
Naturally, I successfully avoided all the long distance running events as I don't really run unless it entails a bus that I am meant to catch. Anyways... being the unlucky person I am, I ended up doing triple jump - something that I have never done in my life until today.
All that drama really took it out of me you know?
So Yeah... (Sorry I forgot)
(I also got ridiculously bad sunburn that only runs down half of each leg making me look slightly weird)
Okays, as you can probably tell, I am not very punctual at the moment and I do apologize but I was just so tired after yesterday's hard work that I ended up falling asleep as soon as I got in meaning I completely forgot!
So, you're probably wondering... What was that strenuous event that caused Beth to have several naps and abandon us? Well, it was sports day - quite frankly the worst day of the year!
I absolutely despise PE and anyone knows me knows that I will go through any length to avoid a PE lesson and doing an event in sports day.
There I was, happily avoiding participating in years 7,8 and 9 - I was 'Sports Captain' who wasn't allowed to do an event but then the dark gloomy cloud came over my head as in year 10, someone else had bagsied Sports Captain so I had to actually join in :(
Naturally, I successfully avoided all the long distance running events as I don't really run unless it entails a bus that I am meant to catch. Anyways... being the unlucky person I am, I ended up doing triple jump - something that I have never done in my life until today.
All that drama really took it out of me you know?
So Yeah... (Sorry I forgot)
(I also got ridiculously bad sunburn that only runs down half of each leg making me look slightly weird)
Monday, 7 July 2014
Nail Varnish and Margo Don't Mix
प्रणाम!(Hello in Bohjpuri)
Today's post is about something that recently happened to me...
So here I was, after being inspired by Alice's fabulosa nail designs and so had a go at painting my own nails a simple pinky colour but believe me, this process was anything but simple!
First of all, Margo decided she needed to be stroked whilst I was painting my right hand which was already hard enough but I then had to add the strain of the cat headbutting my hand so I now have pink all over my fingers.
So once they were painted, the cat left me alone and decided to take a nap because all that head butting was very tiring and taxing work - Typical!
Anyways, so the cat woe up roughly 5 minutes ago and has since demanded the food, left it and then stared intently at my hand. Next thing I know, she is clawing at my hand like it's a toy and trying to drag it down to her using her claws. At first, I didn't know why but I have now realized that my nail varnish is making her think my hand is something to play with.
Next time, the cat can go outside next time I paint my nails as that was too much effort.
Today's post is about something that recently happened to me...
So here I was, after being inspired by Alice's fabulosa nail designs and so had a go at painting my own nails a simple pinky colour but believe me, this process was anything but simple!
First of all, Margo decided she needed to be stroked whilst I was painting my right hand which was already hard enough but I then had to add the strain of the cat headbutting my hand so I now have pink all over my fingers.
So once they were painted, the cat left me alone and decided to take a nap because all that head butting was very tiring and taxing work - Typical!
Anyways, so the cat woe up roughly 5 minutes ago and has since demanded the food, left it and then stared intently at my hand. Next thing I know, she is clawing at my hand like it's a toy and trying to drag it down to her using her claws. At first, I didn't know why but I have now realized that my nail varnish is making her think my hand is something to play with.
Next time, the cat can go outside next time I paint my nails as that was too much effort.
So Yeah...
Friday, 4 July 2014
Happy Independence Day!
Hello!(Hello in English - obviously)
I saw it fitting to use this language as a greeting today because today is the 4th July which some people (Americans) may celebrate as Independence day - Yay!
So for all you who don't know what Independence Day is or what it's about, no fret, I shall inform you now.
Independence day is the federal celebration of the deceleration of national independence.
Today was only a quick post but I thought it should be of this theme.
So Yeah...
I saw it fitting to use this language as a greeting today because today is the 4th July which some people (Americans) may celebrate as Independence day - Yay!
So for all you who don't know what Independence Day is or what it's about, no fret, I shall inform you now.
Independence day is the federal celebration of the deceleration of national independence.
Today was only a quick post but I thought it should be of this theme.
So Yeah...
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
The Pasta Story
Ciao!(Hello in Italian)
Today's post is the tragic story of my tea tonight and what happened when I went to make it...
So carrying on with the Italian theme, I decided to make myself some meatballs and pasta with some garlic bread - accompanied by several tictacs afterwards...
I put the meatballs on first, they have to be cooked slowly in my opinion and I then filled another pan with water which I then brought to the boil. When I went to the cupboard however, I found that I had only four pieces of pasta left in the shell pasta and only a few tubes left in the packet of tubed pasta leaving me in an ultimate catastrophe! My meatballs were nearly cooked and I had nothing to eat them with :(
In the end, I had to settle for meatballs and rice - yipeee
To read another story as tragic as this click HERE
So Yeah...
Today's post is the tragic story of my tea tonight and what happened when I went to make it...
So carrying on with the Italian theme, I decided to make myself some meatballs and pasta with some garlic bread - accompanied by several tictacs afterwards...
I put the meatballs on first, they have to be cooked slowly in my opinion and I then filled another pan with water which I then brought to the boil. When I went to the cupboard however, I found that I had only four pieces of pasta left in the shell pasta and only a few tubes left in the packet of tubed pasta leaving me in an ultimate catastrophe! My meatballs were nearly cooked and I had nothing to eat them with :(
In the end, I had to settle for meatballs and rice - yipeee
To read another story as tragic as this click HERE
So Yeah...
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Why Hello There July!
Salam əleyküm!(Hello in Azeri)
So before you shoot me for not posting yesterday, I decided to postpone it and post today instead as a one off (more like I completely forgot to post). So hello July and goodbye June - my birthday month is now over *sob* *sniff* but I am sure July will being lots of fun things such as National creative flavor ice cream day (today) and Compliment your mirror day!
So this post is my going to be my June favorites, talking about all the lovely things that went on :)
So before you shoot me for not posting yesterday, I decided to postpone it and post today instead as a one off (more like I completely forgot to post). So hello July and goodbye June - my birthday month is now over *sob* *sniff* but I am sure July will being lots of fun things such as National creative flavor ice cream day (today) and Compliment your mirror day!
So this post is my going to be my June favorites, talking about all the lovely things that went on :)
- Favorite nail design- This a design that a fellow blogger, Alice has done and I think that they're really simple yet effective meaning they make it onto my June favorite list see Having a Nail of a Time for more fabulosa nail designs and don't forget to follow the blog whilst you're at it!
- Favorite shop - At the moment, I have been having a slight addiction to etsy which is an online store where people can make things and sell them or simply just buy them from all around the world. As you probably (maybe) knew, it was my birthday this month and I was struggling to tell people what I wanted but thinking about it, I could have just asked for either vouchers for here or items from here instead
- Favorite Purchase - My favorite purchase I got this month was a deal on in booths and it was to buy 2 Barry M lipsticks and get a limited edition nail varnish for free! I on one hand thought this was really good because I really wanted to get some nail varnish but Josephine told me I had to get a new lipstick as the other one had broke - oopsies so when I saw this deal I was a very happy bunny :)
So I just realized how much I was wittiling on then but here are two of the things I bought - I couldn't find a picture of the nail varnish but yeahh, click on the pictures to link to the website.
The green lipstick isn't actually green and is called 'Genie' and it reacts with the Alkaline in your lips to give you a unique color and costs - £4.49
The other lipstick is called 'Just Peachy' and that also cost £4.49 - Favorite post to write - The post(s) that I enjoyed writing the most is by far Drunken Mess and Drunken Mess Part 2 because I had someone in mind when I was writing it and it was really fun to vent my feelings about the whole situation and what not without them knowing. *cue evil laugh*
That's it for today and I've never done a monthly favorite before
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
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