Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Parents Shouldn't Have Twitter

Tervist!(Hello in Estonian)
As you may know, I have recently started a Twitter and Instagram account and whilst on these accounts I found Josephine on both Twitter and Instagram *cringe* and not only that, my next door neighbour does too! I for one, think that there should be some boundaries between parents and children and that is what my post is about today...
Selfies are not for adults

  1. Parents shdnt txt lyk dis lol
    As much as they believe it makes them 'down with the kids' it's just embarrassing, no-one really texts like that anyway so it just shouldn't be done. Also, it can be quite hard to actually understand what's going on when people write like that too because it can be difficult to process and properly read.
  2. Parents shouldn't buy teen styled clothes
    Have you ever seen your mum or someone old enough to be your mum, trying to pull of the same styled shorts or dresses that you have in your wardrobe? It's not a very pleasant sight and one I would happily avoid if I could but to be honest, it's not one I'm often faced with because Josephine prefers pants and I prefer dresses but today when I was in town I saw some right sights *shudders*.
  3. Awkward adult selfiesI for one believe that one of the most embarrassing things that people seem to be doing nowadays are the horrendous photos that they're taking (see one provided for an example). Let's just digest this photo and all things wrong with it:
    1. The red filter that's going on - What even is this? I feel like it takes the photo up to a solid 7 on the scale of fabulosa (0) to horrendous (10) scale which to be quite honest, is not to good as this picture is more horrendous than fabulosa by miles!
    2. The beanie - Ahhh, now here we see another poor attempt at being 'down with the kids' as this man rocks the beanie - not. I don't see why it was needed on this picture, maybe he wanted to look 'hard' whilst on his prowl for ze ladies but if that's the reason, his approach is a no go and he should rethink for a new approach to the gals.
    3. This is a recurring theme in not only adults selfies but Year 6/7's as well so it might just be a newbie thing but still, it shouldn't be done. Now most of you probably know what I'm on about but those of you who don't, I'm on about the full on face that you are greeted with when you look at this picture. I think, if you don't know how to do it, you should save yourself the embarrassment and not do it... 
  4. Finally,adults shouldn't have social sites Again, I don't think that adults should really be let loose on social sites (unless it's my blog) because quite frankly, it's embarrassing. Take Josephine's twitter account for example, there are some horrifically bad tweets on there that make me cringe... an example of this is ' #Xfactor we have no TV signal :( missed results! Damn you ITV #ITV' or another example could be the names that some people choose eg. @garybawlowisfit - this is the twitter name of a 40/50 year old adult.
    I do however think that it's okay for parents to have some form of social media such as Facebook and I'm not going to lie, I have Josephine on Facebook and in some people's eyes, that's probably said too but hey-ho! It has it's benefits :)  
That's it really, I guess this post is a longer one that anticipated
So Yeah...

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