Today's post is about something that I am really really good at at the moment and that is... Procrastinating. When I say procrastinating, I don't just mean doing something 'in a minute' instead, I mean fully putting off something for a good 4-5 weeks which is exactly what I have managed to do with more or less all my homework so here are my top tips for procrastinating
1.Take a Nap - Have some homework to do? Have to tidy your room? Well I recommend a nap because you can't do any of the precious things without a well rested mind can you? Nope.
I also recommend you have a nap from about 3pm-6pm because when you wake up, you can have your tea, chill for a bit and then go to bed once more because it's getting late... Homework and bedroom are still uncompleted.
2. Use the Cat as an Excuse - Is your cat looking sad? Looking like (s)he needs a loving belly rub and a playing with? Well it would be really selfish of you to focus on your own needs such as homework and room tidying so it would be for the best and much more fair for you to spend some quality time with the cat... this could last all day if you wanted.
3."It's been planned for ages though" - A very good line if you want to go outside and chill with your friends and your parents want you to get on with your room and homework which you have successfully managed to put off for two weeks now. It wouldn't be fair for you to let down your friends after what seems like years of planning and months of excitement and as long as your parents know this, you'd probably be allowed to go :)
4.Have a nice long shower - Get your creative homeworkey juices flowing whilst taking a hourly-two hourly shower which deffo kills a lot of time. Don't get bored however because then you'd be just a bored as you would be if you were doing your homework or tidying your room so don't forget your book or ipod/pad/phone.
Hope you enjoyed my top tips
So Yeah...
So Yeah...
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