Wednesday, 3 September 2014

20 Facts About Moi

Gouden Dai!(Hello in Frisian - Sater)
Today, I got 'nominated' for the 20 Facts Tag which is basically 20 Facts about me - how thrilling! Now, it seems to be trending on instagram at this moment at time (the tag that is) and so I thought that I would do it as a blog instead #original
So here we go...

  1. I is a lonely child
    Some of you lovely readers may already know this, especially if you're a regular and read my post Life as a Lonely Child. Not the most thrilling facts in life but you have to get the boring ones out of the way first.
  2. I spent my last day of the holidays watching Doctor Who
    It might sound a bit nerdy and weird but once I started watching one episode, I couldn't stop and managed to watch a whole series and a few more episodes - I am now up to S2 Ep5 which is quite the accomplishment if you ask me :)
  3. I hate cotton wool
    This my fwends is the devils ear wax in my opinion, I really despise it as the texture is grotty and makes my mouth dry.
    I shudder at just the thought of it.
  4. I hate sandpaper
    Read above ^ it's the same scenario/circumstances to be honest.
  5. I HAVE to have the volume on the TV in the 5x tables
    There's nothing better than a good old rounded number to help you relax on the sofa with a blankie in front of the TV.
  6. My Tuddy Pat (cat in other words) Margo can sit and give her paw like a dog
    My life achievement this is, like who'd of thought that an apparently 'simple minded' Tuddy Pat would be able to do something this spectacular. Perhaps when I get 411 more views and set up a YouTube channel, I shall show you...
  7. Half way from writing this post, I went on a high speed chase
    Tuddy Pat herself was the reason for this, I shall tell you a brief summary of what happened now...
    Josephine and I went to take the recycling out when we noticed that Tuddy was acting rather oddly so standing from a distance, we observed her and her movements which is when we realized that she was chasing a really cute liccle doormouse so we chased after Tuddy who was chasing after the mouse.
    So in the end, we saved the mouse woooooo.
  8. I can't swim
    Says it itself really... I wasn't born to be a mermaid.
  9. I hate driving over bridges
    Seeing as I can't swim, as stated above, it isn't really the most ideal of situations to be in the car when the bridge collapses, water will be everywhere and there would be no way to get away but swim (which if you haven't gathered by now, I can't).
  10. I shall do anything to get out of PE
    Sport is not my thing at all and if there is any excuse to get out of PE, it shall be mine
  11. I play 'old people' games
    These 'old people' games are the games such as online jigsaw puzzles and online bingo (it's free) that I have taken to playing on recently and I'mm not going to lie, they are absolutely spiffing! - Me coming to terms with the old people lingo, getting down with the oldies.
  12. I only managed to do one thing on my summer list *cries*
    The only thing that I managed to do was acquire a pet rock. It was mainly due to fault of my own as I kept forgetting to do them and when I did remember, it didn't happen eg. The meteor shower
  13. I have an obsession with Bloo loo
    There's nothing like a fresh smelling, fancy looking toilet and if you ask me, bloo loo does the job.
  14. I have just ordered multiple freebies
    I have found a new and glorious website that you can get freebies on, no sign up required and no viruses too. I have just ordered myself some cat food and breakfast bars - go me!
  15. My eyes change colour
    Don't know why really so not really much I can explain for this one.
  16. I have size 4 feet
    Like this is the for reals truth, I am now 15 years old but my feet seem to be determined to be the size of an 11 year old. Like for real I saw like two Year 7's today with the same shoes on as me.
  17. I do love a good book
    There's nothing like a good book to settle down to bed, sometimes you may not be able to read due to the darkness (see this link) but hey ho!
  18. Continental Food Day is my favorite day at school
    Once a week, this glorious event happens which is when there is a themed menu for the dinners that day eg. Ireland or China. I think that I like it the most when it's either Germany or India.
  19. I love getting new stationary
    I shall do a "what's in my bag" soon so you can see all my new and glorious goodies!
  20. I'm not that exciting really
I hope you enjoyed these highly factual facts
So Yeah...

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