Friday 29 August 2014

One Pointless Invention

Halito!(Hello in Choctaw)
Today's post is about something that I think is a rather pointless invention and that thing is... A Torch! Before you judge me in my thoughts and what not, I shall explain with a rather thrilling story so, here goes nothing...
It all started when I got sent to bed early - 9pm eurghhh and there were terms and conditions that came with this early night too. For example, all lights were to be switched on, my bedroom door was  to remain open (so that Josephine could hear any noise I made) and also not to go on my laptop but these rules meant that I had nothing to do but sleep and being the rebel that I am, I didn't want to do that. Instead, I whipped out my book from underneath my pillow - which is stashed there in case of emergencies like this and proceeded to (or should I say tried to) read but with all the lights out it was quite a difficult process. If any of you have tried it yourself, you would know.
Still adamant that I would not go to sleep, I tried to look for a torch. This is when I released just how pointless the torch was I mean, I couldn't find it because it was too dark so basically, I needed the torch to find the torch if that makes sense.
This is why it is the most pointless invention ever!
So Yeah...

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Life as a Lonely Child

Tadiyass!(Hello in Amharic)
Today's post is about how sad it is to be a lonely child and if you are a lonely child, what you can do to keep yourself busy at the weekends and things for free time...
  1. Invest in Some Jigsaws - Well, there may be no one to play the board games or what not with you so try to choose an activity that only requires one... a jigsaw for an example.
    Some people may see them as being lame but you gotta do what you gotta do if you are bored.
  2. Get a Blog - I'm an only child and I have a blog so take it from me, it makes you feel as though you have so company, even if it is a load of strangers (fabulosa strangers may I add)
  3. Create a Summer/Seasonal Themed to do List - Keep your mind busy on activities you can do on your own, such as finding a four leaf clover or sending in a message in a bottle. This way you wont have to rely on anyone for fun but instead, rely on the weather to stay sunny so you can do half the things on your list (which it hasn't for mine)
Just a few things for all you lonely onelys out there :)
So Yeah...

Monday 25 August 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

Brrrrrr!(Hello in the coldness I'm feeling)
So for all you smartical particles out there, you probably know what this post is about (especially if you have read the title) but for all of you strangers that didn't read the title, I shall inform you of the nature of this post - THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE *shivers*

That's right! Today I did the ice bucket challenge and donated my £3 to Macmillan and I'm not going to lie, it was a very cold experience that I probably will not do again unless I have too.

Pictures and the video can be found on my instagram ---->

Now, I nominate all you my lovely readers...

Text ICE to 70550 to donate £3 - if you complete the challenge
Text FINE to 70550 to donate £10 - if you chicken out

So Yeah...

Saturday 23 August 2014


Sssssss!(Hello and pretty much every word in Snake)
Getting into the school spirit (only like 11 days now) this post will be about the school 'food chain' - hence the title, which for you lovely people who don't know, is kind of a food chain (minus the school bit).
Here we go then:

Bottom of the list:
The Rejects - 

This is the group of people that didn't even make it into the nerdy or freaky group and if they can't make it into one of these, they wont really make it into the popular group will they then? Because of this, I came to the conclusion that 'the rejects' are probably the lowest of the lows

The Teacher's Pet - 
That one person who will do anything to get a glowing report at parents evening and do ANYTHING to get into the teachers good books, they might even go as far to say 'pick me becasue we share the same birthday'. No one wants to hang around with them becasue they know they'll get marked 'uncool'

The Information Kettles - 
These people just sprout out random information whenever they can which I'm not going to lie, is quite funny and interesting at first but after a while it drives you absolutely insane and you can't bear it any longer so you have to walk away. Only a few people can put up with that all day - usually they're information kettle's themselves so yeah...

The Get Arounders - 
If they stayed in one group, they'd probably be at the bottom of the list because after a while, everybody gets bored of them which is usually why they transfer groups so much. They think it's because they're so loved and popular that they go into so many groups but really,it's because other groups don't want them.

The Sporty Ones - 
Merhhh, I don't know how they do it and how they mange to stay so active and eager in PE but these people make it quite high up on the list as everyone would rather have a sporty friend than a lazy friend.

The Up All Night, Party All Weekend Ones - 
Probably the most socially accepted people by the upper part of the chart and the unapproved by the bottom half. I don't really agree with these wild child people as they drink excessively  at weekends and stuff but it seems to float other people's boats so hey ho!

Finally... *Drum Roll Please*...

The Unpopular Populars - 
These people rule the roost, or should I say corridors but I don't know why to be honest because nobody really likes them that much - hence the name unpopular Populars. It's just one big bunch of intimidating gals stalking about and discussing they're weekend 'activity'. Don't get me wrong though, some are nice but the majority, that's another story.

So Yeah...

PS. I know this is posted on a Sunday but I scheduled it for Friday and it didn't work *cries* so I posted it today  

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Returning To Ma Normal Postage Times

Why hello there my darlings!
Today is  a quick post just to say that I am now back to posting on normal times as school is nearly dawning and so I am prepping myself up so I don't really have the time for everyday posting *cries*
So Yeah...

Monday 18 August 2014

Tom & Jerry's Ice Cream

Buschur!(Hello in Alsatian) Today's post is going to be a warm, fuzzy hart warming post about the advantages of Grandmas and why their house is the best house to go to...
  1. You come hungry and leave 5 stone fatter
    At ye old Grandmother's house it seems to be impossible to go at least 30 minutes without being offered or brought some food or drink to nestle in your tummy. This is both an advantage and disadvantage because you no longer need to eat two days after going to your Grandmother's house which saves a lot of money on shopping but on the other hand, you could be really full but feel like you have to eat what's being offered to be polite.
  2. You also leave with some "Tom and Jerry's Ice Cream"
    This my friends, is the new name that my Grandma has given to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, it seems as though Ben didn't fit the bill so she replaced it with Tom (from the cartoon).
    I don't usually have this ice cream often nor do I get it often because it's so expensive but every now and again, I will get a tub for being such a fabulosa granddaughter.
  3. You always get your own wayI don't know about you guys, but at Grandma's house, anything I say rules eg. My mum told me I couldn't have those magazines about real people because they're 'too grown up' so what did my Grandma go and do? She got me a secret stash of some on my next visit :)
    As well as this, there never seems to be a no at Grandma's so I can have sweets before tea is even ready (how rebellious)
Just a few happy things about Grandmas
So Yeah...

Saturday 16 August 2014

Procrastination Central

Assalaamu alaikum! (Hello in Maldivian)
Today's post is about something that I am really really good at at the moment and that is... Procrastinating. When I say procrastinating, I don't just mean doing something 'in a minute' instead, I mean fully putting off something for a good 4-5 weeks which is exactly what I have managed to do with more or less all my homework so here are my top tips for procrastinating

1.Take a Nap - Have some homework to do? Have to tidy your room? Well I recommend a nap because you can't do any of the precious things without a well rested mind can you? Nope.
I also recommend you have a nap from about 3pm-6pm because when you wake up, you can have your tea, chill for a bit and then go to bed once more because it's getting late... Homework and bedroom are still uncompleted. 

2. Use the Cat as an Excuse - Is your cat looking sad? Looking like (s)he needs a loving belly rub and a playing with? Well it would be really selfish of you to focus on your own needs such as homework and room tidying so it would be for the best and much more fair for you to spend some quality time with the cat... this could last all day if you wanted.

3."It's been planned for ages though"  - A very good line if you want to go outside and chill with your friends and your parents want you to get on with your room and homework which you have successfully managed to put off for two weeks now. It wouldn't be fair for you to let down your friends after what seems like years of planning and months of excitement and as long as your parents know this, you'd probably be allowed to go :)

4.Have a nice long shower - Get your creative homeworkey juices flowing whilst taking a hourly-two hourly shower which deffo kills a lot of time. Don't get bored however because then you'd be just a bored as you would be if you were doing your homework or tidying your room so don't forget your book or ipod/pad/phone.

Hope you enjoyed my top tips
So Yeah...

Cloudy with a Chance of Gherkin

Manao ahoana  e!(Hello in Malagasy)
Now, before you bite my head off, I know I didn't post last night, and I know I promised but TADAAAA! It's here now :) So today/last night's post is about those things that have made my summer so far, that bit more sunny (the title will soon become apparent).
Here goes:

When I first made this list, I had the intention of completing them all but I have been so busy that I didn't think that I would even be able to do one so I am really happy to have completed at least one! You never know though, I may have completed more than one thing on my list - not just acquire a pet rock but I know one thing for sure, I have taken far from 1000 photos. However, there are some others that I still have chance of doing some of which I can't do on my own eg, achieving 2000 page views (which I'm 611 away from) so keep reading guys!
It sounds sad I know, but I for one am a very avid gherkin lover and eater so this was a very happy moment in my life (I guess the title is now explained)
3.IT'S NOT JUST ROCKS THAT ARE NEW TO THE FAMILY~I have some fun and fabulosa news for you all... Margo is no longer going to be an only cat as Josephine has finally said yes to me getting another kitten *cue endless amounts of applause and cheers*. The new kitten isn't yet ready for coming home as she was only born last week but she is deffo a girl and her name is Ethel... Check out my Instagram to see pictures and maybe a sneaky video of her in her early days and weeks!

These are 3 of the many things that have gave me a sunny Summer, even throughout the gloomy rainy weather.

So Yeah...

Friday 15 August 2014

No meteors and a whole lot of disappointment

Goededag!(Hello in Dutch)
This post I am currently posting is on behalf of Thursday and I'm not counting it as Friday so there will be another post later tonight :)
As you may or may not know, I have a summer wish list which believe it or not, is composed of the things I wish to do in the summer. Last night, my pallies Hannah and Grace and I went to Lytham to see a meteor shower and I'd you couldn't tell by the title.... There was none.
Disappointment Central!
However, when we went through Blackpool to get home, all the illuminations were switched on as a 'practice' run so that was pretty nifty.
So Yeah...

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Parents Shouldn't Have Twitter

Tervist!(Hello in Estonian)
As you may know, I have recently started a Twitter and Instagram account and whilst on these accounts I found Josephine on both Twitter and Instagram *cringe* and not only that, my next door neighbour does too! I for one, think that there should be some boundaries between parents and children and that is what my post is about today...
Selfies are not for adults

  1. Parents shdnt txt lyk dis lol
    As much as they believe it makes them 'down with the kids' it's just embarrassing, no-one really texts like that anyway so it just shouldn't be done. Also, it can be quite hard to actually understand what's going on when people write like that too because it can be difficult to process and properly read.
  2. Parents shouldn't buy teen styled clothes
    Have you ever seen your mum or someone old enough to be your mum, trying to pull of the same styled shorts or dresses that you have in your wardrobe? It's not a very pleasant sight and one I would happily avoid if I could but to be honest, it's not one I'm often faced with because Josephine prefers pants and I prefer dresses but today when I was in town I saw some right sights *shudders*.
  3. Awkward adult selfiesI for one believe that one of the most embarrassing things that people seem to be doing nowadays are the horrendous photos that they're taking (see one provided for an example). Let's just digest this photo and all things wrong with it:
    1. The red filter that's going on - What even is this? I feel like it takes the photo up to a solid 7 on the scale of fabulosa (0) to horrendous (10) scale which to be quite honest, is not to good as this picture is more horrendous than fabulosa by miles!
    2. The beanie - Ahhh, now here we see another poor attempt at being 'down with the kids' as this man rocks the beanie - not. I don't see why it was needed on this picture, maybe he wanted to look 'hard' whilst on his prowl for ze ladies but if that's the reason, his approach is a no go and he should rethink for a new approach to the gals.
    3. This is a recurring theme in not only adults selfies but Year 6/7's as well so it might just be a newbie thing but still, it shouldn't be done. Now most of you probably know what I'm on about but those of you who don't, I'm on about the full on face that you are greeted with when you look at this picture. I think, if you don't know how to do it, you should save yourself the embarrassment and not do it... 
  4. Finally,adults shouldn't have social sites Again, I don't think that adults should really be let loose on social sites (unless it's my blog) because quite frankly, it's embarrassing. Take Josephine's twitter account for example, there are some horrifically bad tweets on there that make me cringe... an example of this is ' #Xfactor we have no TV signal :( missed results! Damn you ITV #ITV' or another example could be the names that some people choose eg. @garybawlowisfit - this is the twitter name of a 40/50 year old adult.
    I do however think that it's okay for parents to have some form of social media such as Facebook and I'm not going to lie, I have Josephine on Facebook and in some people's eyes, that's probably said too but hey-ho! It has it's benefits :)  
That's it really, I guess this post is a longer one that anticipated
So Yeah...

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Fredricko Rocks and Family

Halito!(Hello in Choctaw)
As you may know, I had a 'to do' list for Summer and you might be pleased to find out that I have finally completed something on my list and that is.... To acquire a pet rock. But I've not only got one my lovely readers, I have a whole family of them - eight.
So this post is me introducing you to my little palls:

  1. Fredricko - Fredricko is the original rock I acquired and is the Daddy rock of the family. He is very easy to look after and doesn't like exercise, probably the reason that he's so tubby.
    Scramosh - Scramosh is Fredricko's wifey for lifey and like Fredricko, is a bit on the larger side of life so she isn't very active either
    Crash - Crash is the oldest child in my little rock family and I named him Crash because that's how I quite literally how I found him - by crashing into him. I shall tell you the story...
    I was returning back from the Ice Cream Van with my pals when I found myself loosing balance and falling of the little rampy thing. If anyone has been to Lytham beach, you'll know what I mean. Anyhow, I found myself on the floor/sand (no fret, my ice-cream was fine) and who was next to me? Crash was! That's how he got this name from me.
  1. Niowmi - Niowmi is only 3 years old and he is really active! His hobbies seem to include rolling off his shelf onto my head whilst I'm sleeping *ouch* and also making his way onto the floor so I fall over him in the mornings.
  1. Roxim (Left) Reece (Right) and Rex (Top) - Roxim is the only girl in this family and Reece and Rex are her brothers. These three however, are very different from the rest of the family because these  rocks have been adopted into this family. Before they lived with the Rocks they were abandoned by their parents by the sea, about to be swept away when I went and saved them.
  1. Po - Po is the final member of this family and is the baby of the group *cue awhhhs* and is only 6 months old. He's not really active and is quite lazy actually - much like a potato.
That's it for the Rocks family!
So Yeah...

Check Out:
My Instagram ----->
My Twitter ------>

Monday 11 August 2014

My Quirks

Wyaaaaaa!(Hello in Shyriiwook aka.Wookie)
So I decided that I haven't really posted about me this Summer, or anything at all to be honest (sorry about that by the way but I've been oober busy) so this post is going to be about me and my quirks :)

  1. I use an excessive amount of hand gestures when I talk - I don't seem to be able to hold a conversation with someone without me subconsciously wafting my hands around as if the area has just been invaded by a swarm of bees. It's quite a disadvantage too to be honest because it's really obvious when I'm talking when I'm not meant to be meaning I get told off quite often  for talking when I'm not meant to.
  2. My spelling isn't too fabulous - Believe me, it's scary how many of those horrific red squiggles have appeared underneath the words in the post already. It's funny though because it's the easier words that I keep spelling wrong and the harder ones that I am okay at - explain that if you can.
  3. I am really fidgety - I guess this one ties in with the fact that I use hand gestures when I talk but at the moment, I can't really sit still and I don't know if it's because it's Summer so there's no dancing so I have loads of energy that needs unleashing. I just can't sit still to be quite honest.
That's it for now, I decided to keep it short and sweet showing you three of my many quirks!
So Yeah...

Check Out:
My Instagram ----->

Sunday 3 August 2014

Happy birthday Hanananananah

Guten Tag!(Hello in German) 
Today's post is a special post becasue it's one of my special (in a good way) friends Hannah's birthday woop woop so I decided to do a lovely post as I am lovely after all!xx
That's it really, I could writ how fabulosa she is and what not but quite simply, that would take too long
So Yeah...
I thought she'd appreciate this picture becasue we both look so coolio (it's from like two years ago now)

Ps this was due for May 28th whoopsies! Better late than never I guess x