Today's post is about something that I think is a rather pointless invention and that thing is... A Torch! Before you judge me in my thoughts and what not, I shall explain with a rather thrilling story so, here goes nothing...
It all started when I got sent to bed early - 9pm eurghhh and there were terms and conditions that came with this early night too. For example, all lights were to be switched on, my bedroom door was to remain open (so that Josephine could hear any noise I made) and also not to go on my laptop but these rules meant that I had nothing to do but sleep and being the rebel that I am, I didn't want to do that. Instead, I whipped out my book from underneath my pillow - which is stashed there in case of emergencies like this and proceeded to (or should I say tried to) read but with all the lights out it was quite a difficult process. If any of you have tried it yourself, you would know.
Still adamant that I would not go to sleep, I tried to look for a torch. This is when I released just how pointless the torch was I mean, I couldn't find it because it was too dark so basically, I needed the torch to find the torch if that makes sense.
This is why it is the most pointless invention ever!
So Yeah...